3.4 Maintain and Execute Risk Processes
Execute risk management processes to identify and mitigate risks and issues throughout the migration.
View Best PracticesTask Activities
Integrate risk processes between the customer and provider and update the Risk Management Plan
customerprovider -
Maintain and update Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions (RAID) Log, coordinating across all work streams, with new risks, changes to existing risks, and status of risk mitigation activities continuously (at a minimum of every two weeks) throughout Phase 3
Develop and employ mitigation strategies continuously throughout Phase 3
Report on new risks/issues and ongoing risk/issue mitigation activities in governance meetings and Status Reports/Dashboard
Perform M3 Risk Assessment
3.4 Best Practices
- Develop an integrated Risk Management Plan between the customer and provider and establish a risk management function within the PMO to coordinate all risk management activities across the customer and provider before migration
- Hold regular risk management meetings and include risk management into status reporting and escalation procedures. Ensure documentation of risks in RAID Log in order to facilitate communication of risks
- Develop risk management roles and responsibilities for customer and provider team members and executives and train team members on identifying and mitigating risks
- Train and empower risk liaisons and points of contact in risk management to improve accountability
- Executive Sponsor
- Business Owner
- Program Manager
- Risk Manager
- PMO Lead
- PMO Team
- Executive Sponsor
- Business Owner
- Program Manager
- Risk Manager
- PMO Lead
- PMO Team