Human Capital Management (HCM)
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB) serves an integral role in supporting strategic Human Capital Management (HCM) across the Federal Government. In partnership with agencies from the Multi-Agency Executive Strategy Committee (MAESC), HRLOB created three products to standardize Governmentwide HCM:
HR Management Services Standards Lead
Name: OPM, Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB)

The HC-FIBF is the service model that enables the Federal government to better coordinate and document common human capital business needs across agencies and focus on outcomes, data, processes, and performance. Each Agency Subfunction of the HCBRM has its own HC-FIBF, which establishes service delivery and data standards to help agencies meet and advance their organization’s strategic human capital objectives.
Human Capital Management Lifecycle
Click a function to access HC-FIBF Data and Businesss Standards
Human Capital Business Reference Model (HCBRM)
The HCBRM is the human capital functional framework and structure for all agencies supporting the CHCO Council’s vision of a government-wide common employee experience. It provides a taxonomy for Human Capital Management - at the highest level, it divides Federal human capital functions by who is responsible for delivering them. Federal Functions (designated as “F” functions) are those for which OPM is responsible for writing the policy and providing the services. Agency Functions (designated as “A” functions) are those that OPM writes the policy and Agencies are responsible for providing the services, either internally or via a service provider.
Click here to access the HCBRMHuman Capital Information Model (HCIM)
The HCIM is the foundational service model to achieving a standardized Federal human capital information ecosystem. Comprised of metadata and information packages, the HCIM enables the exchange of human capital data between federal agencies, shared services providers, policy-makers, regulators, academia, industry and the public. It is the “Rosetta Stone” to achieving interoperable human capital systems that enable paperless data sharing across the Federal human capital community.
Click here to access the HCIM