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M3 Playbook > Phase 1: Readiness > 1.9 Define As-Is and Initial Target State Systems Environments

1.9 Define As-Is and Initial Target State Systems Environments


Task Activities

Understand the As-Is Systems Environment

  1. Customer

    Validate as-is application landscape

  2. Customer

    Validate as-is interface inventory

  3. Customer

    Validate IT architecture

  4. Customer

    Validate data flows

  5. Customer

    Update the Project Business Case

  6. Customer

    Populate the Investment Readiness Checklist

Define Initial Target State Systems Environment as part of the Initial Scope of Services desired from the migration

  1. Customer

    Determine functionality and systems to migrate to the provider and those that will be retained

  2. Customer

    Identify required business intelligence capabilities against the Federal Integrated Business Framework (FIBF) and legacy data management strategy to support reporting needs

  3. Customer

    Identify required interfaces based on mandatory organization activities

  4. Customer

    Document the initial capabilities to be included in the Initial Target State Concept of Operations

  5. Customer

    Update the Project Business Case and begin filling out the Business Needs Workbook

  6. Customer

    Populate the Investment Readiness Checklist

1.9 Best Practices

  • Begin with the current systems architecture and specification documents to understand as-is systems environment
  • Assess the data needs for business intelligence capabilities between mission and mission-support systems
  • Assess current capabilities to help determine whether the capability should be developed internally or migrated to the provider
  • Use the Business Needs Workbook to document and prioritize target systems/services including performance capabilities for implementation based on customer’s prioritization



  • Business Owner
  • Program Manager
  • Functional Lead
  • Technical Lead/Solution Architect
  • Interface Lead
  • Functional SME
  • Technical SME


  • Vision Statement
  • Project Business Case
  • Existing Enterprise Architecture Documents & System Specifications


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