{ "Business-Standards": "Rpm Management Standards", "Business Lifecycle": [{ "rpm-010": [{"Identifier":"RPM.010.010", "Activity":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Description":"Develop real property program goals, objectives, strategy, and plans; Request and evaluate information concerning future real property asset needs; Develop forecasts, priorities, and risks concerning fulfillment of future agency asset needs; Request and evaluate information concerning existing real property assets for modernization, reinvestment, end of life, unneeded assets, possible reuse, or other needs; Determine priorities and risks for management of existing assets and rights to real property; Determine priorities, risks, and risk mitigation strategies for asset reuse and disposal; Evaluate whether goals, objectives, and performance information are appropriate, achievable, and consistent with organizational goals; Update real property strategy and program plans based on changes in real property goals and objectives; Consolidate real property program estimated costs and determine total funding needs "}, {"Identifier":"RPM.010.020", "Activity":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Description":"Identify existing Federal legislation, regulations, policies, guidance, and standards for real property; Develop government-wide and organization-specific real property regulations, policies, guidance, and standards; Identify real property management procedures for real property assets; Update real property regulations, policies, guidance, and procedures"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.010.030", "Activity":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Description":"Develop real property program performance measures; Generate performance report information; Evaluate performance; Specify report parameters and extract user-defined report information"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.010.040", "Activity":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Description":"Evaluate accuracy of real property information against recorded information; Identify discrepancies and deviations (e.g., valuation) and monitor corrective action(s)"}], "rpm-020": [{"Identifier":"RPM.020.010", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Description":"Develop real property asset and/or component request with needs and justifications for new assets and/or components, changes to existing assets and/or components, or reinvestments in assets and/or components; Evaluate real property asset and/or component request to determine alignment with strategic objectives and program plan; Approve/disapprove real property asset and/or component request; Develop and provide feedback concerning disapproved real property asset and/or component request; Develop and approve request for Delegated Leasing Authority for real property asset and/or component; Identify and document capital and non capital projects"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.020.020", "Activity":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Description":"Develop real property project business needs statement; Evaluate current real property inventory information to identify alternatives for meeting real property project needs; Develop request for feedback on alternatives for meeting needs and evaluate response; Identify plausible site for meeting real property project needs; Determine alternative acquisition approaches and develop evaluation criteria; Receive and evaluate market research information on each alternative; Determine risks and risk mitigation strategies for each alternative; Develop high-level cost estimates and financial analysis for each alternative; Evaluate types and sources of funds needed and resources for fulfilling asset needs; Analyze alternatives for meeting real property project needs and determine plausible alternative approach(es); Evaluate possible ancillary impacts of plausible alternative(s), including IT, security, safety, environmental, historic preservation, community, and other impacts to ensure the real property project is viable; Develop impact mitigation strategies for plausible alternative(s); Determine feasibility of plausible alternative(s); Evaluate real property project feasibility assessment and supporting information for plausible acquisition approached(es); Determine selected acquisition approach"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.020.030", "Activity":"Real Property Project Planning", "Description":"Determine swing space relocation needs and identify alternative space; Develop refined real property project cost estimates, financial analysis, and business case for real property project, and obtain approval; Develop preliminary real property project commissioning plan; Develop the real property project management plan for the selected alternative, including project management documents identified in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (e.g., communications plan, implementation plan), and obtain approval; Support selection of program development study contractor; Develop real property project program of requirements; Develop real property project initial high-level design; Determine whether real property project exceeds the prospectus threshold and develop prospectus information"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.020.040", "Activity":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Description":"Develop and provide real property project original or updated budget request information for inclusion in agency budget; Evaluate real property project budget change information and determine impacts"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.020.050", "Activity":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Description":"Develop input for procurement requests and supporting information; Consolidate acquisition package information and obtain approvals; Submit acquisition package and supporting information"}], "rpm-030": [{"Identifier":"RPM.030.010", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Description":"Receive and evaluate real property provider proposals; Develop recommendation for plausible provider; Develop input on contract terms and conditions; Conduct pre-negotiations analyses (e.g., appraisals, just compensation estimate, lease pricing); Negotiate final just compensation amount; Develop lease buyout information, including amount; Approve real property contract award terms and conditions; Develop schedule of payments for full term of lease; Develop and provide notice of displacement or notice to vacate; Develop occupancy agreement and obtain approval; Develop, negotiate, and execute intragovernmental agreements for asset transfer or use from another agency; Identify and document foreign ownership of a high-security leased space; Negotiate government-required easements, permits, licenses, and access rights agreements"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.030.020", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Description":"Evaluate alternative real property asset and/or component design plans (e.g., buildings, building interiors, roads, bridges) and select preferred alternative; Evaluate detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications, and provide feedback; Update feasibility and impact assessments; Determine real property asset and/or component predicted performance; Determine cost and budget changes; Evaluate real property asset and/or component construction documentation (e.g., plans) and provide feedback; Approve/disapprove real property asset and/or component construction documentation; Verify cost estimates are still within budget; Develop and provide notification of swing space relocation to existing tenants; Execute asset transfer to the government and update asset record; Evaluate contractor project and other plans; Plan and monitor real property asset acquisition execution progress (e.g., construction, purchase, lease, improvements, in-progress inspections and testing); Notify provider of risks, issues, and concerns and monitor corrective action(s); Evaluate change orders against original agreement and obtain approval; Determine agreement modification supporting information; Determine budget modification information and obtain approval"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.030.030", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Description":"Evaluate asset and/or component inspection and testing information; Identify inspection and testing failures; Notify provider of inspection and testing failures and monitor corrective action(s); Receive and evaluate asset and/or component turnover documentation (e.g., warranties); Determine and provide amount to withhold from final payment; Verify completion status information for final inspections, testing, and corrective actions; Evaluate completed asset performance results against predicted performance; Issue occupancy permit(s); Evaluate beneficial occupancy request and obtain approval; Determine depreciation information and request accumulation of depreciation expense; Evaluate deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspections or testing information, identify issues and concerns, and monitor corrective action(s); Evaluate real property asset and/or component commissioning report; Verify completion of real property asset and/or component; Provide complete documentation to support acceptance of the real property asset"}], "rpm-040": [{"Identifier":"RPM.040.010", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Description":"Establish and maintain real property asset records and supporting information (e.g., unique identifiers, custodian, expected life, depreciation, and value); Develop inventory structure and relationships (e.g., organization, department, geographic location, program); Conduct periodic inventories and inspections (e.g., condition assessments) of real property assets and/or components; Determine corrections to real property asset record based on discrepancies and variance with inventory; Identify real property asset and/or component maintenance requirements; Determine extent of asset and/or component impairment; Determine changes to real property asset and/or component financial information"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.040.020", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Description":"Receive and evaluate requests for real property use by non-Federal entities, including leasing, rights to government assets (e.g., access, entry, drilling), easement, and licenses; Determine fair market value for real property asset use; Develop justification for real property asset use for less than fair market value; Develop and issue enhanced use leases, agreements, or licenses for approved real property asset use requests by non-Federal entities; Inspect real property asset use by non-Federal entities; Identify violations of agreement, license, or terms and determine penalty; Notify non-Federal entities of violations and penalty; Manage real property agreements for asset use by non-Federal entities (e.g., notifications of expiration dates)"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.040.030", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Description":"Develop real property asset operations and maintenance (O&M) management plans, including schedules for maintenance and inspections; Develop real property asset O&M policies and procedures; Develop and approve request for Delegation of Authority for real property asset O&M; Develop standards and priorities for investments in real property maintenance; Receive and process real property asset and/or component O&M service requests, including application of standards and priorities for investments; Develop and provide notification of real property asset and/or component O&M service request fulfillment actions to be taken; Provide maintenance service call management; Evaluate fulfillment of real property asset and/or component O&M service requests; Determine outstanding O&M service requests and develop course of action to resolve; Determine real property asset and/or component O&M resource support needs; Develop contract, contract modifications, and personnel action requests for real property asset O&M resources; Evaluate provider real property asset O&M plans and provide feedback; Develop and document notification of changes to real property assets and/or components; Develop budget estimates for cost of O&M; Monitor O&M resources, operations, and service delivery; Receive, evaluate, and provide O&M provisioning, fulfillment, and performance information; Identify real property asset O&M services performance issues and concerns and monitor corrective action(s); Evaluate real property asset and/or component inspection, maintenance, and testing information, identify issues and concerns, and monitor corrective action(s); Evaluate tenant satisfaction information, including upward and downward trends, and monitor action plan to improve tenant satisfaction; Evaluate utilities management and energy information; Identify utility and energy issues and concerns and monitor corrective action(s); Determine expiring occupancy and use agreements; Request and evaluate plans for continued occupancy or use of real property asset; Develop occupancy and use agreement modification information; Identify expiring real property asset and/or component warranties and request renewals; Manage government-required easements, permits, and access rights for real property assets"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.040.040", "Activity":"Real Property Space Management ", "Description":"Develop space management plans, including priorities for use of available space; Develop space management policies and procedures; Receive and evaluate space requests and verify request aligns with organizational strategic objectives; Determine, provide, and evaluate feedback on alternatives to fulfill space request; Develop space use agreement; Conduct space utilization study; Request and evaluate plans for underutilized space; Identify and evaluate space consolidation opportunities and determine approaches; Determine space to be consolidated and notify tenants; Determine and report unneeded space information"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.040.050", "Activity":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Description":"Develop facility security, safety, and environmental management strategies, plans, and standards; Develop contract information for facility security, safety, and environmental services, systems, and equipment (e.g., fire protection engineer, security guards, surveillance); Identify facility security, safety, and environmental management assessment issues and concerns and monitor corrective action(s); Request, receive, and evaluate facility security, safety, and environmental management assessment information; Evaluate real property asset sustainability; Receive and evaluate tenant security clearance information for compliance; Identify tenant security clearance issues and concerns and monitor corrective action(s); Identify and document target and actual reduction metrics from carbon pollution in real property assets"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.040.060", "Activity":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Description":"Determine funds availability and request funds commitment/obligation; Develop and request principal and interest liability accrual for real property lease; Develop bill information for real property asset use and request to issue bill; Develop request to deposit and recognize receipt of funds for real property asset use; Develop request for intragovernmental transfer of funds; Evaluate intragovernmental real property asset invoices received and obtain approval; Develop and provide notification of intragovernmental invoice disapproval and chargeback; Evaluate real property invoice for acquisition and non acquisition related goods and services; Develop annual budget year rent estimates and adjustment amounts for real property asset use;"}], "rpm-050": [{"Identifier":"RPM.050.010", "Activity":"Real Property Parking Management", "Description":"Develop real property parking management policies and procedures; Develop real property parking management plans; Receive, evaluate, and approve/disapprove requests for parking space and/or parking management services; Develop tenant agreement information for parking space and/or parking management services; Develop contract information for parking management services; Determine parking space assignments and issue parking permits; Evaluate parking request fulfillment information, including issues and corrective action(s); Conduct parking space utilization study; Request and evaluate plans for underutilized parking space; Determine and report unneeded parking space"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.050.020", "Activity":"Real Property Storage Management", "Description":"Develop real property storage management policies and procedures; Develop real property storage management plans; Receive, evaluate, and approve/disapprove storage requests; Determine storage allocation; Develop tenant agreement information for storage space; Develop contract information for storage management services; Evaluate storage management services fulfillment information, including issues and corrective action(s); Conduct storage space utilization study; Request and evaluate plans for underutilized storage space; Determine alternatives for underutilized space; Determine and report unneeded storage space"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.050.030", "Activity":"Real Property Room Management", "Description":"Develop real property room management policies and procedures; Develop real property room management plans; Receive and evaluate room reservation requests; Determine room assignments, configuration, and meeting support resources needed to fulfill room reservation request; Develop room reservation agreement information; Develop, maintain, and evaluate room, configuration, and meeting support information; Evaluate room utilization and meeting support information"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.050.040", "Activity":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Description":"Develop real property move-in, relocation, and packing management policies and procedures; Develop real property move-in, relocation, and packing management plans; Receive, evaluate, and approve/disapprove requests for office move-in, relocation, and packing; Determine and provide resources and schedule for office move-in, relocation, and packing; Determine and assign relocation specialist for management of agency move; Develop tenant agreement information for move-in, relocation, and move-in services; Develop contract information for move-in, relocation, and move-in services; Evaluate move-in, relocation, and packing fulfillment information, including issues and corrective action(s)"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.050.050", "Activity":"Real Property Facility Other Tenant Services", "Description":"Develop real property service management policies and procedures for other tenant services; Develop real property services management plans for other tenant services; Receive, evaluate, and approve/disapprove requests for other tenant services (e.g., childcare centers, fitness centers, concessions, health units); Develop agreement information for other tenant services; Develop contract information for managing other tenant services; Evaluate other tenant services fulfillment information, including issues and corrective action(s)"}], "rpm-060": [{"Identifier":"RPM.060.010", "Activity":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Description":"Receive and evaluate unneeded real property asset space information; Request and evaluate information concerning unneeded real property asset space; Determine if asset may be modified for another purpose or reused by an agency component; Determine and report unneeded agency real property asset space"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.060.020", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Description":"Determine real property asset reuse or disposal alternatives; Determine cost of real property asset reuse or disposal alternatives; Evaluate and develop mitigation strategies for historical, environmental, geological, community, and other impacts of real property asset reuse or disposal; Determine viability of real property asset reuse or disposal alternatives; Determine real property asset reuse or disposal preferred alternative; Develop budget estimate for real property asset reuse or disposal preferred alternative"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.060.030", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Description":"Develop notifications identifying assets being considered for reuse to government entities; Identify sources of information for assets being considered for reuse; Receive and evaluate other agency requests for assets being considered for reuse; Develop intragovernmental agreement information for asset transfer to or exchange with another agency"}, {"Identifier":"RPM.060.040", "Activity":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Description":"Develop real property disposal management policies and procedures; Develop real property disposal management plans; Identify, budget for, and request disposal of personal property that must be disposed of prior to real property asset disposal; Develop and evaluate progress of real property asset decommissioning plan, identify issues and concerns, and monitor corrective action(s); Develop, document, and execute agreements for real property asset public benefit conveyance; Identify violations of agreements for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance; Develop and provide invitation for bid (IFB) for surplus real property assets available for sale; Receive, evaluate, and approve/disapprove bids for surplus real property assets; Provide real property bid award letters for surplus real property assets; Receive and evaluate title reversion information; Determine whether real property asset is repairable or in need of demolition; Develop real property asset demolition or repair agreement; Evaluate repair or demolition execution progress, identify issues and concerns, and monitor corrective action(s); Determine losses or gains from real property asset disposal"}] }], "Business Capabilities": [ {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.011", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture government-wide real property national strategy information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.012", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document real property program goals and objectives", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.013", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program goals and objectives", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.021", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property program strategy", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.022", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program strategy", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.031", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property program plans", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.032", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program plans", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.041", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.042", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.051", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for information concerning future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.052", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning future real property asset needs against real property program strategy and plans and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.053", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for response to request for information concerning future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.061", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document forecast information for future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.062", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide forecast information for future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.071", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document priorities for future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.072", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide priority information for future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.081", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine risks concerning fulfillment of future real property asset needs, develop mitigation strategies, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.082", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide risks and mitigation strategies concerning fulfillment of future real property asset needs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.091", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning existing real property assets, rights, and reuse/disposal needs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.40"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.092", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning existing real property assets, rights, and reuse/disposal needs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.40"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.101", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for information concerning existing real property assets, rights, and reuse/disposal needs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.40"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.102", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning existing real property assets, rights, and reuse/disposal needs and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.40"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.103", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for request for information concerning existing real property assets, rights, and reuse/disposal needs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.40"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.111", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document program real property asset needs concerning modernization, reinvestment, end of life, unneeded real property assets, possible reuse, or other actions", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.40"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.112", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide program real property asset needs concerning modernization, reinvestment, end of life, unneeded real property assets, possible reuse, or other actions", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.40"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.121", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document priority information for management of existing real property assets and rights", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.122", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide priority information for management of existing real property assets and rights", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.131", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine risks concerning existing real property assets and rights, develop mitigation strategies, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.132", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide risks and mitigation strategies information concerning existing real property assets and rights and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.141", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine priority information for real property asset reuse and disposal and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.142", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide priority information for real property asset reuse and disposal", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.151", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine risks concerning real property asset reuse and disposal, develop mitigation strategies, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.152", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide risks and mitigation strategies information concerning real property asset reuse and disposal", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.161", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property objective performance information to determine whether objectives are still appropriate and achievable and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.162", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning whether real property objectives are appropriate and achievable", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.171", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property program goals and objectives for alignment with organizational goals and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.172", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for alignment of real property program goals and objectives with organizational goals", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.181", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Update real property program goals and objectives and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.182", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated real property program goals and objectives", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.191", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Update real property strategy and program plans and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.192", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated real property strategy and program plans", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.201", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property program estimated costs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.202", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Consolidate real property program estimated costs and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.203", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide consolidated real property program estimated costs information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.211", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document real property program total funding needs for agency budget planning", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.010.212", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Program Strategy and Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program total funding needs for agency budget planning", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.011", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture government-wide real property regulations, policies, guidance, and standards requirements", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.012", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine policy requirements that are applicable to real property government-wide regulations, policies, guidance, and standards and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.80, 102-80.85"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.013", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide policy requirements that are applicable to real property government-wide regulations, policies, guidance, and standards", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.021", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document government-wide real property regulations, policies, guidance, and standards", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.022", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide government-wide real property regulations, policies, guidance, and standards", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.031", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property organization-specific regulations, policies, guidance, and standards", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.032", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property organization-specific regulations, policies, guidance, and standards", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.041", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify real property management procedures for real property assets and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.042", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property management procedures for real property assets", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.051", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture changes to real property government-wide regulations, policies, guidance, and standards.", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11;"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.052", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Update regulations, policies, guidance, and standards and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.020.053", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Policy, Process, and Guidance Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated regulations, policies, guidance, and standards", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.011", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture industry benchmark information for real property program performance measurement", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.012", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop or update real property program performance measures, targets, baseline information, information collection, and expected outcomes, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.013", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program performance measures, targets, baseline information, information collection, and expected outcomes", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Supplement to OMB Circular A-11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.021", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property program performance report information, including trends and patterns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.022", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program mandatory report information for agency performance and other report(s) (e.g., Performance Accountability Report [PAR]) information, financial reports)", "Authoritative Reference":"Treasury Financial Manual Chapter 9500 Revised Federal Financial Management System Requirements for Fiscal Reporting"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.023", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program performance and operations report information, including trends and patterns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.031", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property program performance results against performance measures and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.032", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property program performance assessment against performance measures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.041", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Specify real property program report parameters", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.042", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program report parameters", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.051", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Extract user-defined information, develop real property program user-defined report information, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.030.052", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Reporting and Performance Evaluation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property program user-defined report information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.011", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset inventory information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.012", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate accuracy of real property information against recorded information and standards and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.013", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for accuracy of real property information against recorded information and standards, including discrepancies and deviations from standards", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.021", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of corrective actions needed to remedy discrepancies and deviations from standards, request corrective action plan, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.022", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of corrective actions needed to remedy discrepancies and deviations from standards with request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.031", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.032", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.033", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.041", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.042", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.051", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.052", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.010.040.053", "Function":"Real Property Program Planning and Evaluation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Management Independent Verification and Validation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying discrepancies and deviations from standards in real property asset information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component information, business needs, and other justification information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop real property asset and/or component request with business needs and justification information, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.013", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component request with business needs, justification information, and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component request with business needs and justification information, determine if request aligns with strategic objectives and program plan, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning real property asset and/or component request with business needs and justification information and alignment with strategic objectives and program plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Approve/disapprove real property asset and/or component request with business needs and justification information and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval of real property asset and/or component request with business needs and justification information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback concerning disapproved real property asset and/or component request with business needs and justification information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback concerning disapproved real property asset and/or component request with business needs and justification information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for Delegated Leasing Authority for the lease of a real property asset and/or component under general purpose, special purpose, or categorical space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for Delegated Leasing Authority for the lease of a real property asset and/or component under general purpose, special purpose, or categorical space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for Delegated Leasing Authority for the lease of a real property asset and/or component under general purpose or special purpose space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Document approval/disproval to request for Delegated Leasing Authority for the lease of a real property asset and/or component under general purpose or special purpose space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.063", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approved Delegated Leasing Authority for the real property asset and/or component under general purpose or special purpose space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document capital and non capital projects.", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.010.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Needs Determination", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide information for capital and non capital projects", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Retrieve similar real property project information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property project business needs statement", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.013", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project business needs statement", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture current real property inventory information relevant to meeting real property project needs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate current real property inventory information relevant to meeting real property project needs against business needs statement, determine possible sites for meeting needs, and record results as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.023", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property inventory information relevant to meeting real property project needs against business needs statement as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.024", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs, develop feedback, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for feedback on possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for feedback on possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for feedback on possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for feedback on possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.053", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for response to request for feedback on possible sites from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.20, 102-73.45"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify site from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.255"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide site from current real property inventory for meeting real property project needs consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.255"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document potential alternative acquisition approaches (e.g., lease, buy, build) and/or sites for meeting real property project need consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.45, 102-73.140, 102-73.245, 102-73.255; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.45, 102-73.245, 102-73.255; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture evaluation criteria information used for similar real property projects", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document evaluation criteria for evaluating potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.083", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation criteria for evaluating potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate evaluation criteria for evaluating potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need, develop feedback, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for plausible acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.093", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on evaluation criteria for evaluating potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property market research information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property market research information against evaluation criteria and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.103", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property market research information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document risks associated with potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.25; Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide risks associated with potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.255; Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document risk management and mitigation strategies for risks associated with potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide risk management and mitigation strategies for potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture government and contractor labor, subcontractor, travel, and other direct costs information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Retrieve cost information from similar real property projects", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.133", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine high-level cost estimates for alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.134", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide high-level cost estimates for alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document high-level financial analysis, including net present value, for alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide high-level financial analysis, including net present value, for alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture available funding types, amounts, and sources information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture available non-fiscal resources information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.153", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate types and sources of available funding and resources for potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.154", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for types and sources of available funding and resources for potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need against evaluation criteria and supporting information and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.255; Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for potential alternative acquisition approaches and/or sites for meeting real property project need against evaluation criteria and supporting information", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.255; Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document plausible acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.255; Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide plausible acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.255; Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate plausible acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) for meeting real property project need, determine approval/disapproval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for plausible acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.183", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning plausible acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture impact information (e.g., IT, security, safety, environmental, historic preservation, community, and other impacts) associated with plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s)", "Authoritative Reference":"16 U.S.C. 470; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate impacts of plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"16 U.S.C. 470; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.193", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for impacts of plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s)", "Authoritative Reference":"16 U.S.C. 470; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.201", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document impact mitigation strategies for plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s)", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.202", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide impact mitigation strategies for plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s)", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.211", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) to determine plausible real property project acquisition approach and/or site for selection", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.212", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s)", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.213", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide plausible real property project acquisition approach and/or site for selection", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.221", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document viability information of plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) based on impacts evaluation and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.222", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) viability information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.231", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feasibility assessment and supporting information for plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s) for selection", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.232", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property project feasibility assessment and supporting information for plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s), route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.233", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feasibility assessment, supporting information, and approval information for plausible real property project acquisition approach(es) and/or site(s)", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.1; Capital Programming Guide Appendix 7; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007);"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.241", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document selected acquisition approach and/or site for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.242", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide selected acquisition approach and/or site for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.251", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate selected acquisition approach and/or site for meeting real property project need, determine approval/disapproval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.252", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for selected acquisition approach and/or site for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.020.253", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Feasibility Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning selected acquisition approach and/or site for meeting real property project need", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document swing space relocation needs of existing tenants", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide swing space relocation needs of existing tenants information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture available alternative space information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document alternative space for relocation of existing tenants", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.023", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide alternative space information for relocation of existing tenants", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture key milestones and stakeholder information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture market and benchmark price information relevant to preferred real property project approach and site", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document refined real property project cost estimate, including estimated operations, maintenance, and disposal costs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.034", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide refined real property project cost estimate, including estimated operations, maintenance, and disposal costs", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate refined real property project cost estimate, including estimated operations, maintenance, and disposal costs, develop feedback, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for refined real property project cost estimate, including estimated operations, maintenance, and disposal costs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.043", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on refined real property project cost estimate, including estimated operations, maintenance, and disposal costs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property project detailed financial analysis, including net present value", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project detailed financial analysis, including net present value", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide I.5.3; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop real property project business case, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project business case and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property project implementation plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project implementation plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property project preliminary commissioning plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project preliminary commissioning plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property project communications plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project communications plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document draft real property project management plan, including business needs, scope, tasks, timeline, roles and responsibilities, and quality assurance processes", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide draft real property project management plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop request for feedback concerning draft real property project management plan and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for feedback concerning draft real property project management plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for feedback concerning draft real property project management plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for feedback concerning draft real property project management plan and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.123", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for response to request for feedback concerning draft real property project management plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop updated real property project management plan, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated real property project management plan and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document supporting information for program development study contractor selection", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide supporting information for program development study contractor selection", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop draft real property project program of requirements; including security, safety, environmental, and other requirements dictated by law, regulation, and policy; route for review and feedback; and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007); Capital Programming Guide Appendix 10"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide draft real property project program of requirements; including security, safety, environmental, and other requirements dictated by law, regulation, and policy; for review and feedback", "Authoritative Reference":"42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007); Capital Programming Guide Appendix 10"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feedback on draft real property project program of requirements, including security, safety, environmental, and other requirements dictated by law, regulation, and policy", "Authoritative Reference":"42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007); Capital Programming Guide Appendix 10"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop final real property project program of requirements, including security, safety, environmental, and other requirements dictated by law, regulation, and policy; route for review and approval; and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007); Capital Programming Guide Appendix 10"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.163", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide final real property project program of requirements; including security, safety, environmental, and other requirements dictated by law, regulation, and policy; and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":"42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007); Capital Programming Guide Appendix 10"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property project initial high-level design", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-76.15"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project initial high-level design", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-76.15"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine whether real property project exceeds the prospectus threshold and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 103-73.35; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide determination concerning whether real property project exceeds prospectus threshold consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 103-73.35; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop real property project prospectus information, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 103-73.40; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.030.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Planning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project prospectus information and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 103-73.40; 10 U.S.C. 2662"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture budget information for new real property project", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide Appendix 8"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture budget modification information for real property project", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide Appendix 8"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.013", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop real property project budget request (i.e., new and modifications), route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide Appendix 8"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.014", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property project budget request and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide Appendix 8"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture approval/disapproval of real property project budget request", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document updated real property project budget request", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.023", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated real property project budget request", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property project budget change information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property project budget change information, determine impacts, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning real property project budget change information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.040.034", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Project Budget Planning and Request Development", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide impact information concerning real property project budget change information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine input for procurement request, including asset and/or component independent government cost estimate and line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide input for procurement request, including asset and/or component independent government cost estimate and line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture procurement request, including asset and/or component independent government cost estimate line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Consolidate acquisition information (e.g., program of requirements, impact assessment, procurement request, etc.), route for review, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.023", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide acquisition information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Route acquisition information for approval and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide acquisition information and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Submit acquisition information and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.020.050.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Needs Assessment and Planning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Acquisition Preparation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide acquisition information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture offeror real property asset and/or component proposals", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide II.6"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate offeror real property asset and/or component proposals against evaluation criteria and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide II.6"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.013", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component offeror proposals", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide II.6"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture offeror real property service proposals (e.g., commissioning, design)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate offeror real property service proposals (e.g., commissioning, design) against evaluation criteria and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.023", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property service proposals (e.g., commissioning, design)", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 109-50.402"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document recommendations for selected offeror", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide II.7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide recommendations for selected offeror", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide II.7"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Conduct pre-negotiations analyses (e.g., appraisals, just compensation estimate, lease pricing) and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide results of pre-negotiations analyses consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document input on contract terms and conditions", "Authoritative Reference":"42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract terms and conditions input information", "Authoritative Reference":"42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine just compensation amount, develop summary statement describing basis for the amount, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide just compensation amount and summary statement information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture adjustments to just compensation amount offered consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate adjustments to just compensation amount offered and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.073", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for adjustments to just compensation amount consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document lease buyout information, including amount.", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide lease buyout information, including amount", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture contract award (e.g., lease) terms and conditions", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-72.201"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document approval of contract award (e.g., lease) terms and conditions", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-72.201"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.093", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval of contract award (e.g., lease) terms and conditions", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-72.201"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture periodic lease change information (e.g., changes in property value, property tax, insurance)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document schedule of payments for full term of lease, including lease principal and interest (incorporating inflation and time value of money) and lease incentive adjustments", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.103", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide schedule of payments for full term of lease, including lease principal and interest (incorporating inflation and time value of money) and lease incentive adjustments", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notice of displacement to current property owners/users consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.265, 102-73.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notice of displacement to current property owners/users consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.265, 102-73.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notice to vacate to current property owners/users consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.265"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notice to vacate to current property owners/users consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.265"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop occupancy agreement, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.20, 102-85.25, 102-85.30, 102-85.45, 102-85.55, 102-85.60, 102-85.65, 102-85.70, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide occupancy agreement and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.20, 102-85.25, 102-85.30, 102-85.45, 102-85.55, 102-85.60, 102-85.65, 102-85.70, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture supporting information (e.g., use agreement, reimbursable agreement, memorandum of understanding) for intragovernmental agreement for real property asset transfer service, or leasing from another agency consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–85.115-85.160, 102-75.175, 102-75.180, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop draft intragovernmental agreement for real property asset transfer or use from another agency, route for review and feedback, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.175, 102-75.180, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.143", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide draft intragovernmental agreement with supporting information for real property asset transfer or use from another agency for review and feedback consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.175, 102-75.180, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feedback on draft intragovernmental agreement with supporting information for real property asset transfer or use from another agency consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.175, 102-75.180, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop final intragovernmental agreement with supporting information for real property asset transfer or use from another agency, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.175, 102-75.180, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.153", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide final intragovernmental agreement with supporting information for real property asset transfer or use from another agency and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.175, 102-75.180, 102–85.115-85.160"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document foreign beneficial ownership information for high security leased spaces.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the foreign beneficial ownership information for high security leased spaces.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document immediate owner information for high security leased spaces.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide immediate owner information for high security leased spaces.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document highest-level owner information for high security leased spaces.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide highest-level owner information for high security leased spaces.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document foreign financing entity information for high security leased spaces by a non-Federal entity.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide foreign financing entity information for high security leased spaces by a non-Federal entity.", "Authoritative Reference":"31 CFR Part 1010: FinCEN CTA Rule 41 CFR 102-73.325"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.201", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document need for government-required easements, permits, licenses or access rights", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.202", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide need for government-required easements, permits, licenses, or access rights", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.211", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop draft easement agreement, route for review and feedback, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.212", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide draft easement agreement for review and feedback", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.221", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feedback on draft easement agreement", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.222", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop final easement agreement, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.223", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide final easement agreement and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.231", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop request/application for government-required permits, licenses, and access rights route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.232", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request/application for government-required permits, licenses, and access rights, and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.241", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request/application for government-required permits, licenses, or access rights information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.242", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine if request/application for government-required permit, license, or access rights is approved/disapproved and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.243", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide government-required permit, license, or access rights information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.010.244", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acquisition", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide disapproval information for request/application for government-required permit, license, or access rights information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture alternative real property asset and/or component designs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture value information, including cost/worth ratio information, for each alternative real property asset and/or component design", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.013", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate alternative real property asset and/or component designs and value information, select preferred alternative, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.014", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning alternative real property asset and/or component designs and value information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.015", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide preferred alternative real property asset and/or component design", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture Federal, state, and local building codes and related real property standards", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.023", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.024", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture updated detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document necessary updates to feasibility and impact assessments based on detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.043", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide necessary updates to feasibility and impact assessments based on detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Update feasibility and impact assessments and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated feasibility and impact assessments", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document predicted performance information for real property assets and/or components", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide predicted performance information for real property assets and/or components", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document cost and budget changes based on detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications and including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, and route for review and approval, consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide cost and budget changes based on detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications and including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Route detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications, and other supporting documentation for review and approval and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications, and other supporting documentation and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture draft construction documentation (e.g., plans)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate draft construction documentation and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.093", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for draft construction documentation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on draft construction documentation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on draft construction documentation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture updated construction documentation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Approve/disapprove updated construction documentation and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.113", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approved construction documentation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of construction documentation disapproval and request for update", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of construction documentation disapproval and request for update", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Verify cost estimates are still within budget and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide verification results that cost estimates are still within budget", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of swing space relocation to existing tenants", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of swing space relocation to existing tenants", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop deed to convey the title for real property asset transfer to the government; route for review and feedback; and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide deed to convey the title for real property asset transfer to the government for review and feedback", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feedback on deed to convey the title for real property asset transfer to the government", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop updated deed to convey the title for real property asset transfer to the government, route for approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.163", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated deed to convey the title for real property asset transfer to the government", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Verify all real property asset transfer actions are completed, including updates to the real property asset inventory and OMB-designated repository, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide verification results concerning completion of all real property asset transfer actions", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture contractor project and other plans (e.g., project management plan, safety management plan)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate contractor project and other plans and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.183", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for contractor project and other plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document appropriate activities and schedule for measuring real property asset and/or component execution progress (e.g., kick-off meetings, partnering sessions, groundbreaking ceremonies, inspections and testing)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide appropriate activities and schedule for measuring real property asset and/or component execution progress", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.201", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component execution progress information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.202", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component execution progress information, determine issues and concerns, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.203", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component execution progress, including issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.211", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns, request corrective action plan, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.212", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns with request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.221", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.222", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.223", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.231", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.232", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.241", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.242", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.243", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component execution progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.251", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture change order request information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.252", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate change order request information to compare with original agreement for real property asset and/or component acquisition execution, route for review and approval, and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.253", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for change order request information comparison against original agreement for real property asset and/or component acquisition and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.261", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine agreement modification supporting information, route for review, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.262", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide agreement modification supporting information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.271", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine real property asset and/or component budget modification information, route for review, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.020.272", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Design and Execution", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component budget modification information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 105-71.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for real property asset and/or component substantial completion certification", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture final real property asset and/or component inspections and testing information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.013", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate final real property asset and/or component inspections and testing information against agreement and real property asset and/or component commissioning plan, determine status of completion tasks, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.014", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for final real property asset and/or component inspections and testing information against agreement and real property asset and/or component commissioning plan, including inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.015", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide status information concerning final real property asset and/or component inspections and testing information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures, request corrective action plan, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures and request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.053", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying final real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component turnover documents (e.g., warranties and certifications, manuals, drawings)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component turnover documents (e.g., warranties and certifications, manuals, drawings), determine acceptance, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.063", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component turnover documents", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.064", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide acceptance information concerning real property asset and/or component turnover documents", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for missing real property asset and/or turnover documents or document updates to correct issues", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for missing real property asset and/or turnover documents or document updates to correct issues", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine amount to withhold from final payment, if any, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure; route for review and approval; and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide amount to withhold from final payment, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of amount withheld from final payment", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of amount withheld from final payment", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Verify completion status information for final inspections, testing, and corrective actions and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide verification results for completion status information for final inspections, testing, and corrective actions", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component performance results information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component actual performance results information against predicted performance and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.113", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component actual performance results information evaluation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Issue occupancy permit(s) and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide occupancy permit(s) information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for beneficial occupancy", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate request for beneficial occupancy, route for review and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.143", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for request for beneficial occupancy", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Issue certificate of beneficial occupancy to contractor", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide certificate of beneficial occupancy to contractor", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine real property asset and/or component depreciation information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure ; route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component status and depreciation information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request to accumulate and record depreciation amount, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request to accumulate and record depreciation amount, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspections or testing information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspections or testing information against agreement and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.183", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspections or testing information against agreement, including inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures, request corrective action plan, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures and request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.201", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.202", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.203", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.211", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.212", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback information on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.221", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.222", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.223", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying deferred or seasonal real property asset and/or component inspection and testing failures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.231", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component commissioning report", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.232", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component commissioning report, determine issues and concerns, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.233", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component commissioning report, including issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.241", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Verify completion of real property asset and/or component, determine acceptance, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.242", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide verification results concerning whether real property asset and/or component is complete", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.243", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component acceptance information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.251", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request to issue substantial completion certification and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.030.030.252", "Function":"Real Property Asset Acquisition, Design, and Commissioning", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Acceptance and Commissioning", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request to issue real property asset and/or component substantial completion certification information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for unique identifier for new or existing real property asset and/or component and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for unique identifier for new or existing real property asset and/or component and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document unique identifier for new or existing real property asset and/or component", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unique identifier for new or existing real property asset and/or component", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.023", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unique identifier for new or existing real property asset and/or component to OMB-designated repository", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document real property asset and/or component financial information, including real property asset and/or component life, value, depreciation, and amortization information; including amounts for unearned revenue, lease receivables, and lease advanced payments, and line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component financial information, including real property asset and/or component life, value, depreciation, and amortization information; including amounts for unearned revenue, lease receivables, and lease advanced payments, and line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop request to record real property asset and/or component financial information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request to record real property asset and/or component financial information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset record and supporting documentation", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset record and supporting documentation to real property inventory", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.053", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset record and supporting information to OMB-designated repository", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Update and document real property asset record and supporting information", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated real property asset record and supporting information to real property inventory", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.063", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated real property asset record and supporting information to OMB-designated repository", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document hierarchical relationships (e.g., by organization, department, geographic location, program), among inventory of real property assets and/or components", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide hierarchical relationships among inventory of real property assets and/or components", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Conduct real property asset and/or component physical inventory and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component physical inventory information", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify real property asset and/or component condition information and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component condition information", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component physical inventory information against real property asset inventory records and supporting documentation and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component physical inventory information against real property asset inventory records and supporting documentation", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory and Forecasting”; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify discrepancies and variance between real property asset and/or component physical inventory and real property asset inventory records and supporting documentation and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide discrepancies and variance between real property asset and/or component physical inventory and real property asset inventory records and supporting documentation", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document corrections to real property asset inventory record and supporting documentation", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide corrections to real property asset inventory record and supporting documentation", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.123", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide corrections to real property asset inventory records and supporting documentation to OMB-designated repository (e.g., changes to historical status, real property asset use, or other real property asset descriptive information)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document real property assets and/or components which are in need of repair or maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property assets and/or components which are in need of repair or maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document real property asset and/or component repair requirements (e.g., emergency vs. non-emergency, routine vs. urgent)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component repair requirements (e.g., emergency vs. non-emergency, routine vs. urgent)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component impairment and use, determine extent of impairment (i.e., significant or permanent) and potential for remediation, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"FASAB, Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 44: Accounting for Impairment of General Property, Plant, and Equipment Remaining In Use"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component impairment and use, including extent of impairment (i.e., significant or permanent) and potential for remediation", "Authoritative Reference":"FASAB, Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 44: Accounting for Impairment of General Property, Plant, and Equipment Remaining In Use"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document changes to real property asset and/or component financial information (e.g., real property asset and/or component life, value, depreciation, amortization information, loss from impairment), including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide changes to real property asset and/or component financial information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request to recognize change in value of real property asset and/or component (e.g., loss from impairment, depreciation expense) , including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.010.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Information Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request to recognize change in value of real property asset and/or component (e.g., loss from impairment, depreciation expense), including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for real property asset use by non-Federal entity consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.55, 102–74.465, 102–74.470, 102–75.944"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate request for real property asset use by non-Federal entity to determine benefit to government and record results consistent with 41 CFR and 32 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; 41 CFR 102-75.245, 102–75.255, 102–75.944 OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.013", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning request for real property asset use by non-Federal entity, including benefit to the government, consistent with 41 CFR and 32 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; 41 CFR 102-75.245, 102–75.255, 102–75.944 OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Verify requested real property asset is available and not required for the needs of any Federal entity and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; 41 CFR 102-75.245, 102–75.255, 102–75.944 OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide verification results concerning whether real property asset is available and not required for the needs of any Federal entity", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; 41 CFR 102-75.245, 102–75.255, 102–75.944 OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture market research information concerning fair market value for real property asset use consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine fair market value for real property asset use by non-Federal entity and document results consistent with 32 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide fair market value of government real property asset use by non-Federal entity consistent with 32 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop justification for real property asset use by non-Federal entity for less than fair market value, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 32 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide justification information for government real property asset use by non-Federal entity for less than fair market value and approval information consistent with 32 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop contract (e.g., lease, easement) or contract modification information for real property asset use by non-Federal entities including vendor qualifications such as appropriate licensing of childcare providers; route for review and approval; and document results consistent with 32 and 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; 41 CFR 102–75.939, 102-85.200, 102–75.944; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract (e.g., lease, easement) or contract modification information for real property asset use by non-Federal entities, including vendor qualifications such as appropriate licensing of childcare providers, and approval information consistent with 32 and 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"32 CFR 174.11; 41 CFR 102–75.939, 102-85.200, 102–75.944; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document contract for underutilized real property to be leased to state/local government or a non federal entity.", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract for underutilized real property to be leased to state/local government or a non federal entity.", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop lease or license for real property asset use by non-Federal entities, route for review and approval if necessary, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.55; 102–74.465, 102–74.480, 102–74.485, 102–75.944"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide lease or license for real property asset use by non-Federal entities, including approval information", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.55, 102–74.465, 102–74.480, 102–74.485, 102–75.944"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Issue lease or license for real property asset use by non-Federal entity", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.55, 102–74.465, 102–74.480, 102–74.485, 102–75.944"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide lease or license for real property asset use by non-Federal entity", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.55, 102–74.465, 102–74.480, 102–74.485, 102–75.944"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Conduct physical and other inspections of real property asset used by non-Federal entity and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR Appendix to Part 102-74; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide physical and other inspection information of real property asset used by non-Federal entity", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR Appendix to Part 102-74; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate whether non-Federal entity is adhering to the terms of the contract, lease, license, or other granted rights to real property asset and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR Appendix to Part 102-74; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning whether non-Federal entity is adhering to the terms of the contract, lease, license, or other granted rights to real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR Appendix to Part 102-74; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document fine information concerning violation of contract, license, or lease terms", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide fine information concerning violation of contract, license, or lease terms, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of violation of contract, license, or lease terms, including fine information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of violation of contract, license, or lease terms, including fine information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of termination or revocation of contract, license, or lease", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of termination or revocation for contract, license, or lease", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document expiration information for contract, lease, license, or other granted rights to real property assets by non-Federal entities", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide expiration information for contract, lease, license, or other granted rights to real property assets by non-Federal entities", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of expiration of non-Federal entity's use of real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.020.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Use by non-Federal Entities", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of expiration of non-Federal entity's use of real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset operations and maintenance management plan, including schedules for maintenance and inspections, consistent with Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2 OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset operations and maintenance management plan, including schedules for maintenance and inspections, consistent with Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset operations and maintenance policies and procedures (e.g., daily flag raising and lowering, prohibitions on smoking in buildings) consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.10 OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset operations and maintenance policies and procedures (e.g., daily flag raising and lowering, prohibitions on smoking in buildings) consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.10"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for Delegation of Authority for real property asset operations and maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for Delegation of Authority for real property asset operations and maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for Delegation of Authority for real property asset operations and maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document Delegation of Authority for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.043", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide Delegation of Authority for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document standards (e.g., condition, remaining useful life) for investing in real property asset and/or component maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide standards (e.g., condition, remaining useful life) for investing in real property asset and/or component maintenance", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document relative importance (prioritization business rules) of real property assets (e.g., warehouses, hospitals) and/or components (e.g., hvac, water heater)", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Appendix 9"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide relative importance (prioritization business rules) of real property assets (e.g., warehouses, hospitals) and/or components (e.g., hvac, water heater)", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Appendix 9"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or components operations and maintenance service request (e.g., half-staff the flag(s), repair and clean leaking toilet) consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request, determine service needs, and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.073", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.074", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service needs consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of receipt of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request fulfillment actions and level of effort required and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request fulfillment actions and level of effort required consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request fulfillment actions and level of effort required against standards and priorities for investment, determine whether service request falls within investment standards and priorities, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning whether real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request falls within investment standards and priorities", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request fulfillment action to be taken (e.g., request falls outside of investment standards and priorities, request will be fulfilled)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request fulfillment action to be taken", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service call to appropriate, available resources consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service call to appropriate, available resources consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request fulfillment information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate fulfillment of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request, verify completion, identify issues, and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.133", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide closure information for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.134", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide issues concerning fulfillment of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 02–74.30, 102–74.115"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service requests consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service requests consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for information concerning outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.163", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning request for information concerning outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document course of action to resolve outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide course of action to resolve outstanding real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service request consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance resource needs to address outstanding service requests consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance resource needs to address outstanding service requests consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.35, 102–74.110 OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate historical trend information for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service requests and resources used for service fulfillment and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning historical trend information for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance service requests and resources used for service fulfillment", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.201", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine whether additional resources are needed to meet real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance resource needs and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.202", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide information on additional resources needed to meet real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance resource needs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.211", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance personnel action request, service contract, or service contract modification information, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.212", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance personnel action request, service contract, or service contract modification information and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.221", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture provider real property asset and/or component quality control and operations and maintenance plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.222", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate provider real property asset and/or component quality control and operations and maintenance plans, develop feedback, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.223", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning provider real property asset and/or component quality control and operations and maintenance plans information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.231", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on provider real property asset and/or component quality control and operations and maintenance plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.232", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on provider real property asset and/or component quality control and operations and maintenance plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.241", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of improvements or alterations to real property assets and/or components to operations and maintenance service provider", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.242", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of improvements or alterations to real property assets and/or components to operations and maintenance service provider", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.251", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop annual cost estimates (i.e., new and modifications) for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance costs; route for review and approval; and document results consistent with Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Appendix 8; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.252", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide annual cost estimates (i.e., new and modifications) for real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance costs consistent with Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"Capital Programming Guide, Appendix 8; OMB Circular A-45R"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.261", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance information consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.262", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance (O&M) provisioning, fulfillment, and performance information against O&M management plan; determine issues and concerns; and record results consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.263", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance (O&M) provisioning, fulfillment, and performance information, including issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.271", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns, request corrective action plan, and document results consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.272", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns and request for corrective action plan, including disciplinary actions or training needed to improve performance of personnel, consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.281", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan information for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.282", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns and record results consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.283", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.291", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.292", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.301", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.302", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns and record results consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.303", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset and/or component operations and maintenance performance issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR and Capital Programming Guide", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.30, 102–74.115; Capital Programming Guide, Section III.3.2"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.311", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.312", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing information, determine issues and concerns, and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.313", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing information, including issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.321", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing, request corrective action plan, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.322", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing and request for corrective action plan consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.331", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan information for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.332", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan information for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.333", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan information for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.341", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan information for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.342", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan information for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.351", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.352", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.353", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying issues and concerns from real property asset and/or component inspections, maintenance, and testing consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–71.20"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.361", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for tenant satisfaction information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.362", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for tenant satisfaction information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.371", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate tenant satisfaction information and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.372", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning tenant satisfaction information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.381", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document action plan to improve tenant satisfaction", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.382", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide action plan to improve tenant satisfaction", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.391", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning action plan to improve tenant satisfaction", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.392", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning action plan to improve tenant satisfaction and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.393", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning action plan to improve tenant satisfaction", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.401", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset and/or component utility and energy information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.402", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset and/or component utility and energy information against detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications, and contracts and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.403", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide results for real property asset and/or component utility and energy information evaluation against detailed real property asset and/or component design, including specifications, and contracts consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.411", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document real property asset and/or component utility and energy management issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.412", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset and/or component utility and energy management issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.421", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document corrective actions to address real property asset and/or component utility and energy management issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.422", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide corrective actions to remedy real property asset and/or component utility and energy management issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.431", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action status in addressing real property asset and/or component utility and energy management issues and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.432", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate effectiveness of corrective action status in remedying real property asset and/or component utility and energy management issues and concerns, determine corrective action adjustments as necessary, and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.433", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning effectiveness of corrective action status in remedying real property asset and/or component utility and energy management issues and concerns and corrective action adjustments consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–74.165, 102–74.175"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.441", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document expiring real property asset and/or component occupancy or use agreement consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.442", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide expiring real property asset and/or component occupancy or use agreement information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.451", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document modified terms information for real property asset component occupancy or use agreement consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.55, 102-85.60, 102-85.65, 102-85.70, 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.452", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide modified terms information for real property asset occupancy or use agreement consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.55, 102-85.60, 102-85.65, 102-85.70, 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.461", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning plans for continued occupancy or use of real property asset, including supporting information such as modified terms information, consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.462", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning plans for continued occupancy or use of real property asset, including supporting information such as modified terms information, consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.471", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for information concerning plans for continued occupancy or use of real property asset consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.472", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning plans for continued occupancy or use of real property asset and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.473", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning response to request for information concerning plans for continued occupancy or use of real property asset consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.481", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop occupancy and use agreement modification information, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.55, 102-85.60, 102-85.65, 102-85.70, 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.482", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide occupancy and use agreement modification information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-85.55, 102-85.60, 102-85.65, 102-85.70, 102-85.200"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.491", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document expiring real property asset and/or component warranty", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.492", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide expiring real property asset and/or component warranty information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.501", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for real property asset and/or component warranty renewal", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.502", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for real property asset and/or component warranty renewal", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.511", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document expiring government-required easements, permits, and access rights for real property assets", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.512", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide expiring government-required easements, permits, and access rights for real property assets", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.521", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate need for renewal of government-required easements, permits, and access rights for real property assets based on real property asset life and use and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–75.936"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.522", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning need for renewal of government-required easements, permits, and access rights for real property assets based on real property asset life and use consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102–75.936"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.531", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop request/application for renewal of government-required easements, permits, or access rights, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.532", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request/application for renewal of government-required easements, permits, or access rights and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.541", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture approval/disapproval of renewal of government-required easements, permits, or access rights", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.542", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document updated government-required easements, permits, or access rights information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.030.543", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide updated government-required easements, permits, or access rights information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document space management plan, including priorities for use of available space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space management plan, including priorities for use of available space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document space management policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space management policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate space request against priorities for use of available space, determine if request aligns with strategic objectives, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning space request against priorities for use of available space and alignment with strategic objectives", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate space request to determine whether the time period, type, and amount of space are available to meet needs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-83.75"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for space request, including whether the time period, type, and amount of space are available to meet needs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-83.75"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine alternatives to fulfill space request, route for review and feedback, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-83.75"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide alternatives to fulfill space request for review and feedback", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-83.75"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feedback on alternatives to fulfill space request", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate feedback on alternatives to fulfill space request, determine space allocation, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.063", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for feedback on alternatives to fulfill space request, including space allocation information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop space use agreement or update to space use agreement (e.g., applicable clauses, parties involved, start and end date, identification of premises), route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.70, \"Real Property Management”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space use agreement or update to space use agreement (e.g., applicable clauses, parties involved, start and end date, identification of premises) and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":"DoD Instruction 4165.70, \"Real Property Management”"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Conduct space utilization study and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space utilization study information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.083", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space utilization study information to OMB-designated repository", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning plans for underutilized space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning plans for underutilized space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for information concerning plans for underutilized space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning plans for underutilized space and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.103", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for response to request for information concerning plans for underutilized space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document space consolidation opportunities", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space consolidation opportunities", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate space consolidation opportunities for feasibility and impacts and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for feasibility and impacts of space consolidation opportunities", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine space consolidation recommendations, route for review and feedback, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space consolidation recommendations for review and feedback", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feedback on space consolidation recommendations", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate feedback on space consolidation recommendations and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.143", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for feedback on space consolidation recommendations", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine space to be consolidated, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide space to be consolidated and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document tenant notification of space to be consolidated", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide tenant notification of space to be consolidated", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document unneeded internal agency real property asset space information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unneeded internal agency real property asset space information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.040.173", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Space Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unneeded internal agency real property space information to OMB-designated repository", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop facility security, safety, and environmental management strategies and plans, route for review and approval, and documents results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.10, 102-81.10, 102-81.15, 102-81.20,102-81.25; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide facility security, safety, and environmental management strategies and plans, and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.10, 102-81.10, 102-81.15, 102-81.20, 102-81.25; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop contract or contract modification information for facility security, safety, and environmental services, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.85, 102-81.20, 102-81.25"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract or contract modification information for facility security, safety, and environmental services, and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.85, 102-81.20, 102-81.25"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for facility security assessment and supporting information (e.g., facility location, tenant identification)", "Authoritative Reference":"The Risk Management Process"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for facility security assessment and supporting information", "Authoritative Reference":"The Risk Management Process"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture facility security assessment information and supporting documentation consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-81.20, 102-81.25; The Risk Management Process"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate facility security assessment information and supporting documentation and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-81.20, 102-81.25; The Risk Management Process"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.043", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for facility security assessment information and supporting documentation consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-81.20, 102-81.25; The Risk Management Process"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify facility security risks, issues, and concerns and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-81.20, 102-81.25; The Risk Management Process"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide facility security risks, issues, and concerns and issues consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-81.20, 102-81.25; The Risk Management Process"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture facility safety and environmental assessment inspections and testing information (e.g., asbestos, air quality, radon, lead, hazardous wastes/materials) as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.15, 102-80.20, 102-80.25, 102-80.30, 102-80.35, 120-80.45, 120-80.60; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate facility safety and environmental assessment inspections and testing information (e.g., asbestos, air quality, radon, lead, hazardous wastes/materials) and record results as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.15, 102-80.20, 102-80.25, 102-80.30, 102-80.35, 120-80.45, 120-80.60; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.063", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for facility safety and environmental assessment inspections and testing information (e.g., asbestos, air quality, radon, lead, hazardous wastes/materials) as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.15, 102-80.20, 102-80.25, 102-80.30, 102-80.35, 120-80.45, 120-80.60; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document contract information to obtain fire protection engineer resource consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract information to obtain a fire protection engineer resource consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture proposals with candidates for fire protection engineer information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate proposals with candidates for fire protection engineer information and record results as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.083", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for proposals with candidates for fire protection engineer information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.084", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide recommendations for fire protection engineer consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture facility fire protection and life safety analysis information as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.80, 102-80.85, 102-80.90, 102-80.95, 102-80.105, 102-80.110, 102-80.115, 102-80.120, 102-80.125, 102-80.130"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate fire protection and life safety analysis information and record results as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.80, 102-80.85, 102-80.90, 102-80.95, 102-80.105, 102-80.110, 102-80.115, 102-80.120, 102-80.125, 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.093", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning fire protection and life safety analysis information as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.80, 102-80.85, 102-80.90, 102-80.95, 102-80.105, 102-80.110, 102-80.115, 102-80.120, 102-80.125, 102-80.130, 102-80.135"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify facility safety, environmental, fire protection, or life safety risks, issues, and concerns and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.55; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide facility safety, environmental, fire protection, or life safety risks, issues, and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.55; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document corrective action plan to address facility security, fire protection, safety, or environmental risks, issues, and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.55; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide corrective action plan to address facility security, fire protection, safety, or environmental risks, issues, and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.55; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan status for addressing facility security, fire protection, safety, and environmental risks, issues, and concerns and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.55; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning corrective action plan status for addressing facility security, fire protection, safety, and environmental risks, issues, and concerns consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.50, 102-80.55; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification to tenants of security, fire protection, safety, and environmental risks, issues, and corrective actions as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.70; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification to tenants of security, fire protection, safety, and environmental risks, issues, and corrective actions as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.70; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture facility security, fire protection, safety or environmental incident information (e.g., fires, accidents, and injuries) consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incidents and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.143", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incidents consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Conduct investigation concerning facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incident and document results as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide investigation results concerning facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incident as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document corrective actions to address facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incidents consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide corrective actions to address facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incidents consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action status for addressing facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incidents and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning corrective action status for addressing facility security, fire protection, safety and environmental incidents consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-80.65"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture tenant security clearance information, including periodic updates", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate tenant security clearance information for compliance with security clearance processes defined in contract (e.g., lease) for real property asset use by non-Federal entities and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.183", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide tenant security clearance information, including periodic updates, to designated Federal security officials", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.184", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for tenant security clearance information compliance with security clearance processes defined in contract (e.g., lease) for real property asset use by non-Federal entities", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns, request corrective action plan, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns and request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.201", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.202", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.203", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.211", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.212", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.221", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.222", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.223", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying tenant security clearance compliance issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.231", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document carbon pollution-free electricity information, including targets, for real property assets", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.050.232", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Security, Safety, and Environmental Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide carbon pollution-free electricity information, including targets, for real property assets", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for funds availability check for funds commitment for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for funds availability check for funds commitment for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for funds commitment for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure and, if needed, Federal trading partner", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for funds commitment for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure and, if needed, Federal trading partner", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for funds availability check for funds obligation for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for funds availability check for funds obligation for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for funds obligation for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure and, if needed, Federal trading partner", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for funds obligation for real property project, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure and, if needed, Federal trading partner", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for principal and interest liability accrual for scheduled lease payments, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for principal and interest liability accrual for scheduled lease payments, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document bill information, including discounts (e.g., rent discounts, early payment discounts), for real property asset use, alterations, or tenant services benefiting non-Federal entities or other agency", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide bill information, including discounts (e.g., rent discounts, early payment discounts), for real property asset use, alterations, or tenant services benefiting non-Federal entities or other agency", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request to issue bill and establish receivable, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, for real property asset use or tenant services by non-Federal entities or other agency", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request to issue bill and establish receivable, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, for real property asset development, use, or tenant services by non-Federal entities or other agency", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture receipt of funds and supporting information for real property asset, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request to deposit and recognize receipt of funds for real property asset, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.083", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request to deposit and recognize receipt of funds for real property asset, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for intragovernmental transfer of funds to other agency for real property asset development, use, or tenant services, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for intragovernmental transfer of funds to other agency for real property asset development, use, or tenant services, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for intragovernmental reimbursement from other agency, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, for real property asset development, use, or tenant services", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for intragovernmental reimbursement from other agency, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, for real property asset development, use, or tenant services", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.103", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture intragovernmental real property invoice and supporting information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate intragovernmental real property invoice and supporting information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, against agreement, route for review and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for intragovernmental real property invoice and supporting information, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, against agreement", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of intragovernmental real property invoice disapproval", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of intragovernmental real property asset invoice disapproval", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of intragovernmental real property invoice chargeback", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of intragovernmental real property invoice chargeback", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property invoice and supporting information for non-acquisition goods and services from OMB-approved electronic invoicing solution", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property invoice and supporting information for non-acquisition goods and services, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure route for review and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.143", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property invoice and supporting information for non-acquisition goods and services from, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Receive real property invoice for acquisition related goods and services", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property invoice for acquisition related goods and services against agreement, determine approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.153", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning real property invoice for acquisition related goods and services against agreement", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.154", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning real property invoice for acquisition related goods and services", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document annual budget year rent estimates for real property asset use by another agency", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide annual budget year rent estimates for real property asset use by another agency", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine budget year rent estimate adjustment amount for real property asset use by another agency", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.040.060.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Operation", "Activity Name":"Real Property Disbursements and Receipts", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide budget year rent estimate adjustment amount for real property asset use by another agency", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property parking management policies and procedures consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.265"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property parking management policies and procedures consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.265"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property parking management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property parking management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for parking space and/or parking management services consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.285, 102-74.290, 102-74.300, 102-74.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate request for parking space and/or parking management services, determine whether the time period, type of parking space and/or management services, and level of resources are available to meet needs, and record results as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.285, 102-74.290, 102-74.300, 102-74.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning request for parking space and/or parking management services, including whether the time period, type of parking space and/or management services, and level of resources are available to meet needs as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.285, 102-74.290, 102-74.300, 102-74.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Approve/disapprove request for parking space and/or parking management services consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.285, 102-74.290, 102-74.300, 102-74.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning request for parking space and/or parking management services consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.285, 102-74.290, 102-74.300, 102-74.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop tenant agreement or agreement modification information for parking space and/or parking management services, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.275, 102-74.300"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide tenant agreement or agreement modification information for parking space and/or parking management services and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.275, 102-74.300"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop contract or contract modification information for parking management services, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.240, 102-74.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract or contract modification information for parking management services and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-73.240, 102-74.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine parking space assignment and record results as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.285, 102-74.290, 102-74.300, 102-74.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide parking space assignment information as specified by 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.285, 102-74.290, 102-74.300, 102-74.305"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Issue and document parking space permits consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.270"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide parking space permit information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.270"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture parking management services request fulfillment information, including issues and corrective action(s), consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate fulfillment of parking management services request, including issues and corrective action(s), and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.093", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for fulfillment of parking management services, including issues and corrective action(s), consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Conduct parking space utilization study and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide parking space utilization study information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning plans for underutilized parking space consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning plans for underutilized parking space consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning plans for underutilized parking space and record results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for response to request for information concerning plans for underutilized parking space consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document unneeded parking space consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.010.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Parking Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unneeded parking space information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-74.310"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property storage space and services policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":"36 CFR 1234"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property storage space and services policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":"36 CFR 1234"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property storage space and services management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property storage space and services management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for storage space and/or services", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate request for storage space and/or services to determine whether the time period, type of space, and services are available to meet needs and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning request for storage space and/or services, including whether the time period, type of space, and services are available to meet needs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Approve/disapprove request for storage space and/or services", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning request for storage space and/or services", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine storage space allocation and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide storage space allocation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop tenant agreement or agreement modification information for storage space, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide tenant agreement or agreement modification information for storage space and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop contract or contract modification information for storage management services, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract or contract modification information for storage management services and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture storage management services fulfillment information, including issues and corrective action(s)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate fulfillment of storage management services, including issues and corrective action(s), and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.083", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for fulfillment of storage management services, including issues and corrective action(s)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Conduct storage space utilization study and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide storage space utilization study information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning plans for underutilized storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning plans for underutilized storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning plans for underutilized storage space and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for response to request for information concerning plans for underutilized storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document alternatives for use of underutilized storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide alternatives for use of underutilized storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document unneeded storage space based on alternatives analysis for use of underutilized storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unneeded storage space based on alternatives analysis for use of underutilized storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document unneeded storage space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.020.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Storage Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unneeded storage space information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property room management policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property room management policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property room management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property room management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for room reservation", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate request for reservation to determine whether the time period, type of room, and services are available to meet needs and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning room reservation request to determine whether the time period, type of room, and services are available to meet needs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify room assignment for room reservation request and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide room assignment information for room reservation request", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine configuration and meeting support resources needed to fulfill room reservation request", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide configuration and meeting support resources needed to fulfill room reservation request", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop room reservation agreement or update room reservation agreement, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide room reservation agreement or update room reservation agreement and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of room reservation and/or assignment of configuration and meeting support resources", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of room reservation and/or assignment of configuration and meeting support resources", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop, maintain, and document room, configuration, and meeting support information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide room, configuration, and meeting support information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate room utilization and meeting support information and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.030.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Room Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for room utilization and meeting support information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property move-in, relocation, and packing policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property move-in, relocation, and packing policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property move-in, relocation, and packing management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property move-in, relocation, and packing management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate request for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space, determine whether the time period, type of services, and level of resources are available to meet needs, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for request for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space, including whether the time period, type of services, and level of resources are available to meet needs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Approve/disapprove request for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning request for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document resources and schedule for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide resources and schedule for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of resources and schedule for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of resources and schedule for office move-in, relocation, and packing to new or existing space", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine, assign, and document relocation specialist for management of agency move", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide assignment information concerning relocation specialist for management of agency move", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop tenant move, relocation, and move-in services tenant agreement or agreement modification information, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide tenant move, relocation, and move-in services tenant agreement or agreement modification information and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop move, relocation, and move-in services contract or contract modification information, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide move, relocation, and move-in services contract or contract modification information and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture move, relocation, and move-in services fulfillment information, including any issues and corrective actions", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate fulfillment of move, relocation, and move-in services, including any issues and corrective actions, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.040.103", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Real Property Facility Move-In, Packing, and Relocation", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for fulfillment of move, relocation, and move-in services, including any issues and corrective actions", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document other real property tenant service policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide other real property tenant service policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document other real property tenant service management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide other real property tenant service management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture request for other real property tenant service", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate request for other real property tenant service to determine whether the time period, type of space, and services are available to meet needs and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning request for other real property tenant service, including whether the time period, type of space, and services are available to meet needs", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Approve/disapprove request for other real property tenant service", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning request for other real property tenant service", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop tenant agreement or agreement modification information for other real property tenant service, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide tenant agreement or agreement modification information for other real property tenant service and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop contract or contract modification information, route for review and approval, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide contract or contract modification information for other real property tenant service and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture other real property tenant service request fulfillment information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate fulfillment of other real property tenant service request, including issues and corrective action(s), and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.050.050.073", "Function":"Real Property Asset Tenant Services", "Activity Name":"Other Real Property Tenant Services", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for fulfillment of other real property tenant services, including issues and corrective action(s)", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate information about unneeded internal agency real property asset space and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning unneeded internal agency real property asset space", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request for information concerning unneeded internal real property asset space, including potential modifications", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request for information concerning unneeded internal real property asset space, including potential modifications", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture response to request for information concerning unneeded internal real property asset space, including potential modifications", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate response to request for information concerning unneeded internal real property asset space, including potential modifications, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.033", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for response to request for information concerning unneeded internal real property asset space, including potential modifications, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate condition and expected life of unneeded internal real property asset space, determine if it can be reused or modified for reuse within the agency, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for condition and expected life of unneeded internal real property asset space", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.043", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide determination of whether unneeded real property asset space can be reused or modified for reuse within the agency", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document unneeded agency real property asset space information", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unneeded agency real property asset space information", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.010.053", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Unneeded Agency Asset Identification", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide unneeded agency real property asset space information to OMB-designated repository", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document alternatives for real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide alternatives for real property reuse by another agency or disposal", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document costs associated with real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal alternatives", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide costs associated with real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal alternatives", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.10, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate impacts of real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal alternatives; including historical, environmental, geological, community, and other impacts, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.125, 130; 102-75.1260; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; 42 U.S.C. 9601 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act;"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide impacts of real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal alternatives; including historical, environmental, geological, community, and other impacts", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.125, 130; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; 42 U.S.C. 9601 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document impact mitigation strategies for real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal approach", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.125, 130; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; 42 U.S.C. 9601 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide impact mitigation strategies for real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal approach", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.125, 130; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act; 42 U.S.C. 9601 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine viability of real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal approach based on impacts evaluation and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.75, 102-75.175, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide viability of real property asset reuse by another agency or disposal approach based on impacts evaluation", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.75,; 102-75.175, 102-75.1220 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset reuse or disposal alternatives against other agency needs, disposal priorities, impacts, and costs and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.75, 102-75.175, 102-75.1260"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset reuse or disposal alternatives against other agency needs, disposal priorities, impacts, and costs", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.75, 102-75.175, 102-75.1245 --1250"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document selected alternative for unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.75, 102-75.175, 102-75.1245 --1250"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide selected alternative for unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.75, 102-75.175, 102-75.1245 --1250"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.073", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide selected alternative for unneeded real property asset to OMB-designated repository", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.75, 102-75.175, 102-75.1245 --1250"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document cost estimate for selected alternative for unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.020.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse/ Disposal Alternatives Analysis", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide cost estimate for selected alternative for unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification to other agencies of existing unneeded agency real property asset availability", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1220-1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification to other agencies of existing unneeded agency real property asset availability", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1220-1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Identify and document sources of information for real property assets available for reuse", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1220-1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide sources of information for real property assets available for reuse", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1220-1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate other agency request with supporting information for unneeded agency real property asset and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.65, 102-75.1220-1225, 102-75.1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results concerning other agency request with supporting information for unneeded agency real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.65, 102-75.1220-1225, 102-75.1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document other agency selected for transfer of unneeded agency real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.30, 102-75.1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide other agency selected for transfer of unneeded agency real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.30, 102-75.1225"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop draft intragovernmental agreement, information for real property asset transfer or exchange to another agency, route for review and feedback, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.190, 102-75.195, 102-75.200, 102-75.205, 102-75.1270 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide draft intragovernmental agreement information for real property asset transfer or exchange to another agency for review and feedback consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.190, 102-75.195, 102-75.200, 102-75.205, 102-75.1270 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture feedback on draft intragovernmental agreement information for real property asset transfer or exchange to another agency consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.190, 102-75.195, 102-75.200, 102-75.205, 102-75.1270 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop final intragovernmental agreement with supporting information for real property asset transfer or exchange to another agency, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.190, 102-75.195, 102-75.200, 102-75.205, 102-75.1270 -- 1290"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.030.063", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Reuse Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide final intragovernmental agreement with supporting information for real property asset transfer or exchange to another agency and approval information consistent with 41 CFR", "Authoritative Reference":"TFM, Part 1, Chapter 9500; 41 CFR 102-75.190, 102-75.195, 102-75.200, 102-75.205, 102-75.1275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.011", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset disposal management policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.012", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset disposal management policies and procedures", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.021", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset disposal management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.022", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset disposal management plans", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.031", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document request to dispose of personal property within the unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.032", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide request to dispose of personal property within the unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.041", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture notification of disposal personal property within the unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.042", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate notification of disposal of personal property within the unneeded real property asset, determine that all personal property has been disposed, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.043", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for notification of disposal of personal property within the unneeded real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.051", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset decommissioning plan for unneeded real property asset, route for review and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.052", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset decommissioning plan and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.061", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset decommissioning progress against plan, determine issues and concerns, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.062", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset decommissioning progress against plan, including issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.071", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns, request corrective action plan, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.072", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns and request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.081", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.082", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.083", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.091", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.092", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.101", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.102", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.103", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset decommissioning progress issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.111", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset transfer agreement for conveyance to state/local governments, non-profit organizations, or other appropriate non-Federal entities, route for feedback and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-76.880 -- 935, 865"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.112", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide property real property asset transfer agreements for conveyance to state/local governments, non-profit organizations, or other appropriate non-Federal entities, route for feedback and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-76.935, 865"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.121", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance, request corrective action plan and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.800 -- 815, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.122", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance and request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.131", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.132", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.133", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.141", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.142", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.151", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.152", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.153", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying violation of agreement for use of real property asset sold or transferred for public conveyance", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.810, 870"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.161", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop invitation for bid publication for surplus real property assets, including terms and conditions of sale, notices and disclosures, inspection and bid instructions, and bid forms", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.15, 102-75.255, 102-76.935, 102-75.755, 830"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.162", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Publish invitation for bid for surplus real property assets, including terms and conditions of sale, notices and disclosures, inspection and bid instructions, and bid forms", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.15, 102-75.255, 102-76.935, 102-75.755, 830"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.171", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture bids for surplus real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-75.780, 102-75.935, 795, 860"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.172", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate bids for surplus real property asset to determine highest bidder, if any", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-75.780, 102-75.935 ,795"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.173", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for bids for surplus real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-75.780, 102-75.935, 795"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.174", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide highest bidder for surplus real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-75.780, 102-75.935, 795"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.181", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Approve/disapprove bids for surplus real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-75.880 -- 885, 102-76.935"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.182", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide approval/disapproval information concerning bids for surplus real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-76.935"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.191", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property bid award letter, including closing date information and amount of money due", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-76.935"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.192", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property bid award letter, including closing date information and amount of money due", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.325 -- 345, 102-76.935"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.201", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document deed to convey the title for real property asset transfer to successful bidder", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.875, 545, 620"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.202", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide deed to convey the title for real property asset transfer to successful bidder", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.875, 545, 620"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.211", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document notification of reversion of title", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.212", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of reversion of title", "Authoritative Reference":""}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.221", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset reversion execution progress and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.875, 545, 620"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.222", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset reversion execution progress", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.875, 545, 620"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.231", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine whether real property asset is repairable and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.232", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide information about repairability of real property asset", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.241", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine and document whether non-repairable real property asset should be demolished or abandoned in place, route for review and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.242", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide information about whether non-repairable real property asset should be demolished or abandoned in place, route for review and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.251", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document real property asset demolition or repair contract or contract modification information, route for review and approval, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.252", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide real property asset demolition or repair contract or contract modification information and approval information", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045; 42 U.S.C. 4321 National Environmental Policy Act"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.261", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture real property asset demolition or repair execution progress information", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.262", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate real property asset demolition or repair execution progress information, determine status information, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.263", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for real property asset demolition or repair execution progress information, including issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.271", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop notification of real property asset demolition or repair issues and concerns, request corrective action plan, and document results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.272", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide notification of real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns, and request for corrective action plan", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.281", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.282", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.283", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.291", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop and document feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.292", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide feedback on corrective action plan or updates to corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.301", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Capture status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.302", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Evaluate status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.303", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide evaluation results for status information concerning corrective action plan for remedying real property asset demolition or repair execution issues and concerns", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1000 -- 1045"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.311", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Determine loss or gain of real property asset disposal, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure, and record results", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1275"}, {"Capability ID":"RPM.060.040.312", "Function":"Real Property Asset Reuse/Disposal", "Activity Name":"Real Property Asset Disposal Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide loss or gain of real property asset disposal, including line of accounting information using standard accounting code structure", "Authoritative Reference":"41 CFR 102-75.1275"} ], "Business Use Cases": {"020.RPM.L1.01 Provisioning of Real Property from GSA Public Building Service Inventory":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L1.01 Provisioning of Real Property from GSA Public Building Service Inventory.pdf", "020.RPM.L1.02 GSA-managed Lease of Non-Federal Real Property":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L1.02 GSA-managed Lease of Non-Federal Real Property.pdf", "020.RPM.L1.03 Site Purchase and Construction of Special Use Facility":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L1.03 Site Purchase and Construction of Special Use Facility.pdf", "020.RPM.L1.04 Capital Improvements to High Security Real Property":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L1.04 Capital Improvements to High Security Real Property.pdf", "020.RPM.L1.05 Disposal of Federally Owned Real Property":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L1.05 Disposal of Federally Owned Real Property.pdf", "020.RPM.L1.06 Budget Cuts Impact Schedule for New Parking Facility Completion":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L1.06 Budget Cuts Impact Schedule for New Parking Facility Completion.pdf", "020.RPM.L2.01 Occupying Agency-Managed Lease of Non-Federal Real Property":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L2.01 Occupying Agency-Managed Lease of Non-Federal Real Property.pdf", "020.RPM.L2.02 Beneficial Conveyance of Historic Federally owned Building to State Government":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L2.02 Beneficial Conveyance of Historic Federally owned Building to State Government.pdf", "020.RPM.L2.03 Lease of Non-Domestic Building Accommodating Special Needs":"/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/PDF/020.RPM.L2.03 Lease of Non-Domestic Building Accommodating Special Needs.pdf"} , "Standard Data Elements": { "Real Property Management Standard Data Elements": "/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/Excel/Real Property Management Standard Data Elements.xlsx", "jsonData": { "url":"/assets/json/RPM-Business-Data-Elements.json", "name":"Real Property Management Standard Data Elements (JSON)" } }, "Service Measures": { "Real Property Management Service Measures": "/assets/files/downloads/RPM_2024/Excel/real-property-management-service-measures.xlsx" } }