[{ "Business-Standards": "HR", "Sub-section":"Talent Development", "Business Lifecycle": [{ "hcm-A3-1": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A3-1.010", "Activity":"Talent Development Strategy", "Description":"Setting the overarching goals and priorities at the organizational level. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• analysis and overview of the environment / climate impacting agency talent development initiatives\n• prioritized objectives for the agency's talent development program\n• strategic direction for talent development, based on the agency HCM strategy\n• communicate strategic talent development priorities to stakeholders\n• evaluate, report, and enforce progress against talent development strategic objectives"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-1.020", "Activity":"Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Description":"Implementing the TD strategy and tracking the progress towards goals. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• implement the prioritized objectives outlined in the agency TD strategy \n• assess and manage resources necessary to perform the activities outlined in detailed implementation plans\n• ability to adapt to changing talent development needs or circumstances\n• periodic evaluations to monitor, report, and enforce progress against talent development milestones\n• assess the overall health and effectiveness of the agency TD through data analysis"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-1.030", "Activity":"Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Description":"Capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using organizational knowledge. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• identify, document, and provide easy access to organizational knowledge at all levels (e.g. workforce, business unit, individual)\n• organizational awareness of the knowledge management capability, its uses, and benefits\n• document and communicate expectations for business unit and employee use of the knowledge management capability"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-1.040", "Activity":"Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Description":"Assessing skills and competencies needed to support workforce and succession planning and individual development and identifying gaps. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• identify the skill and competency proficiency levels needed to perform current and future agency work requirements \n• assess the current levels of identified skills and competencies in the work force \n• gap analysis of current and needed skills and competencies \n• plan to close identified skills and competency gaps (e.g. acquire or develop)"}], "hcm-A3-2": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A3-2.010", "Activity":"Coaching Program Design and Management", "Description":"Improving effectiveness within the organization by maintaining trained and certified coaches. The program will establish and implement coaching agreements, provide a results assessment, and recommend next steps for the employee. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• objectives for improving agency and employee effectiveness via coaching\n• identify and evaluate critical growth areas within the employee population that uses coaching \n• maintain and verify trained, qualified, and certified coaches in accordance with agency policy and procedures \n• match employees with appropriate coaches to cultivate identified growth areas\n• establish, maintain, and track coaching agreements\n• provide consistent and effective coaching to employees by trained, qualified, and certified coaches\n• assess the professional and personal development impact of coaching on employees and document next steps for the continued improvement of employee effectiveness and performance"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-2.020", "Activity":"Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Description":"Identifying objectives for developing leaders and developing interventions to support those leaders. Also includes the provisioning of those interventions, evaluating the extent of which those interventions supported the leader, monitoring effectiveness, and ensuring the involvement of cross-functional managers outside of the HC organization. Programs should be tailored to agency-specific needs. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• objectives for developing agency leaders to support agency-specific strategic goals and the agency mission\n• learning interventions designed to support agency and federal leadership development objectives\n• monitor, report, and evaluate the extent to which the program meets objectives and supports leadership development\n• integrate with agency succession planning initiatives"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-2.030", "Activity":"Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Description":"Identifying objectives for employee learning development plans and developing learning interventions to support desired technical competencies and proficiency levels. Also includes the provisioning of those interventions, evaluating to the extent of which those interventions supported performance and career development, and monitoring effectiveness. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• IDP program objectives\n• support the identification and documentation of individual employee's desired competency and proficiency development in collaboration with supervisors\n• document and track progress against the pursuit of employees' established learning and career goals, and remediate as necessary\n• periodically assess IDP program's effectiveness in supporting the development of desired competencies and proficiency levels within the employee population"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-2.040", "Activity":"Mentoring", "Description":"Matching mentors with mentees, establishing an application process and training for the mentors, evaluating and monitoring effectiveness of the program, and raising awareness and communicating benefits of the program. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• design, provide, and manage a variety of mentoring programs to suit agency needs\n• organizational awareness of mentoring opportunities and benefits \n• match and connect mentees with appropriate mentors\n• manage, track, and evaluate the effectiveness of mentorship programing"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-2.050", "Activity":"Course Design and Management", "Description":"Identifying objectives for curriculum and course design and developing learning interventions to support desired course objectives and goals. Also includes the provisioning of those interventions, evaluating the extent of which those interventions supported outcomes, monitoring effectiveness, and ensuring the involvement of cross-functional managers outside of the HC organization. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• training needs analysis\n• agency specific talent development curriculum, courses, and training aids \n• analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of TD curriculum, courses, and training aids\n• periodically amend and update TD curriculum, courses, and training aids based on current agency needs and results from evaluation"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-2.060", "Activity":"Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Description":"Identifying objectives for job specific programs and developing learning interventions to support desired competencies and proficiency levels. Also includes the provisioning of those interventions, evaluation to the extent of which those interventions supported performance, monitoring effectiveness, and ensuring the involvement of cross-functional managers outside of the HC organization. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• training needs analysis\n• job specific talent development curriculum, courses, and training aids\n• analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of Job specific curriculum, courses, and training aids.\n• periodically amend and update Job Specific curriculum, courses, and training aids based on current agency needs and results from evaluation"}], "hcm-A3-3": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A3-3.010", "Activity":"Course Library Design and Management", "Description":"Providing and maintaining a detailed catalog of Talent Development interventions, resources, and tools. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• a structured system for housing learning interventions, resources, and tools\n• easy access to and use of TD programming and content\n• track course and content usage\n• produce standard and ad hoc reports\n• add, modify, and remove content and offerings as necessary"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-3.020", "Activity":"Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Description":"Coordinating and maintaining the administrative and the logistical aspects of registration and delivery of courses and related talent development activities (e.g., registrations, tracking participation or attendance, cancellations, scheduling and setting up facilities). The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• processes and supporting capabilities to register participants for, and administer courses and related talent development activities \n• record and track information related to course and talent development activity registration and administration\n• manage the various mediums through which a courses and talent development activities may be offered"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-3.030", "Activity":"Course Certification and Credit Management", "Description":"Providing and maintaining the administrative and the logistical aspects of course certification and credit management. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• manage and track all applicable certifications and credits throughout the employee job history\n• provide ongoing monitoring and updating of certifications\n• maintain and update the employee training and certification history regardless of agency"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-3.040", "Activity":"Talent Development System Administration", "Description":"Providing and maintaining TD data (e.g., qualifications, skills, competencies, certification and licensing, training events, learning histories) regardless of federal agency. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• record individual employee and workforce data with respect to talent development activities (e.g., qualifications, skills, competencies, certification and licensing, training events, learning histories)\n• maintain the accuracy and integrity of individual employee and workforce talent development data\n• easy access to individual employee and workforce talent development data, within and outside the agency\n• privacy of all individual employee and workforce talent development data\n• view, add, and modify talent development data in accordance with agency and federal rules and regulations"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A3-3.050", "Activity":"Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Description":"Providing and maintaining all aspects of talent development program tracking and reporting (e.g., user audit trails such as signature, date/time, or duration; training history; measures on all aspects of TD programs participation such as registration, participation, cancellations, completions, etc.). The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n• collect, view, and edit information related to all aspects of talent development programs, including program planning, design, and administration\n• monitor, evaluate, and report information on all formal and informal talent development program activities (e.g., courses, certifications, completions, mentoring, coaching, other non-traditional development opportunities) and their support activities"}] , "hcm-A5-1": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.010 ", "Activity":"Compensation Strategy Development", "Description":"Setting the overarching goals and priorities at the organizational level. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n \n• agency-specific compensation strategy to include, but not limited to:\n \n• analysis and overview of the environment / climate \n impacting agency compensation management initiatives\n \n• compensation program objectives \n \n• documented plan for communicating strategic compensation \n management priorities\n \n• documented plan for evaluating, enforcing, and reporting progress \n against compensation management strategic objectives"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.020", "Activity":"Compensation Policy and Procedure Management ", "Description":"Designing, developing, implementing, and managing compensation policies, programs, and procedures to meet agency strategies. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency-specific pay systems, if applicable \n\n• policies, programs, and procedures to support implementation of agency compensation strategy "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.030", "Activity":"Agency Compensation Administration ", "Description":"Setting and calculating employee compensation properly in accordance with agency compensation strategy, policies, programs, and procedures. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• compensation is set accurately \n\n• audit of employee compensation and supporting documentation to determine accuracy and compliance\n\n• agency review to ensure automatic pay processing systems are aligned with agency compensation strategy, policies, programs, and procedures\n\n• advisory services to stakeholders on pay setting and compensation flexibilities "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.040", "Activity":"Compensation Research and Advisement ", "Description":"Researching and interpreting compensation laws and regulations in order to provide strategic advisory services to agency leadership and managers. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• accurate advice and guidance "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.050", "Activity":"Payroll Processing", "Description":"Define and maintain the processes, business rules, and calculations necessary to accurately and efficiently execute payroll for employees paid by the Federal Government. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Processes and workflows for integrating with HR and Time and Attendance systems and other resources necessary to calculate and execute payroll (e.g., third party Interfaces, benefits systems, relocation systems, etc.) \n\n• Leave and earning statements for every employee (which may include payments for relocation, bonuses, and other situational payments).\n\n• Calculated results for amounts payable to appropriate payees (e.g. employees, beneficiaries, taxing authorities, etc.)\n\n• Furnish appropriate compensation documents (e.g., W-2s, 1099s, etc.) to employees and other stakeholders (e.g., IRS, OPM, TSP, Treasury)\n\n• Leave accrual and balance maintenance\n\n• Integrated payroll workflow management capability "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.060", "Activity":"Payroll Data Capture, Transfer, and Reporting", "Description":"Capture, analyze, and report compensation data. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Standard payroll and compensation program reports\n\n• Error reporting \n\n• Ad-hoc reporting\n\n• Data transfers between agencies, certified providers, and vendors"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.070", "Activity":"Payroll System Administration", "Description":"Provide and maintain administrative and logistical activities related to payroll systems and records management. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Audit trails \n\n• Updated and maintained employee record \n\n• Historical payroll information for all employees\n\n• Continuity of operations plan"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.080", "Activity":"Payroll System Change Management", "Description":"Provide and maintain change management activities related to payroll systems. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Formalized process for tracing and documenting the translation of federal policy to functional, and then to technical requirements "}], "hcm-A5-2": [{"Identifier":"HCM-A5-2.010", "Activity":"Work Schedule and Leave Policy Development and Management", "Description":"Establishing, maintaining, and enforcing agency work schedule and leave policy. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency WSLM needs assessment \n\n• objectives for the management and oversight of agency WSLM\n\n• agency WSLM policy, in accordance with all applicable federal rules and regulations \n\n• agency WSLM policy assessment and review as needed"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.020", "Activity":"Develop Work Schedule and Leave Management Standard Operating Procedures", "Description":"Designing, maintaining, and updating prescribed methods to be followed routinely for the capture and administration of Time and Attendance and Leave Management. SOPs must be approved by designated agency officials. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• documented, agency approved procedures detailing how employee timecard and leave management activities will be performed\n\n• communicate agency-approved Time and Attendance and Leave Management procedures to employees\n\n• updated agency-approved Time and Attendance and Leave Management procedures based on changing policy or other factors"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.030", "Activity":"Work Schedule Development and Management", "Description":"Providing and maintaining employee's work schedule so that it corresponds with the employee's actual work requirements to accomplish the mission of the agency. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• developed and approved employee work schedules\n\n• employee work schedule edits or changes "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.040", "Activity":"Time Card Management", "Description":"Recording, validating, certifying, and amending/correcting Time & Attendance. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• method and process for employee/timekeeper to record employee time worked\n\n• method and process for timekeeper/supervisor/employee to validate employee Time and Attendance \n\n• method and process for certifying official to approve finalized employee time cards\n\n• method and process for employees and approved personnel to amend/correct time cards\n\n• method and process for employees to request and record leave and premium pay, and for approving official to review request and take appropriate action"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.050", "Activity":"T&A Transmittal", "Description":"Creating batch process for transmittal of Time & Attendance data to Payroll Provider. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• T&A batch processing \n\n• T&A data transmittal to Payroll Provider\n\n• track and manage the T&A transmittal process to Payroll Provider\n\n• coordination with Payroll Provider to remediate transmittal and Time &Attendance issues"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.060", "Activity":"T&A Reporting", "Description":"Extracting reports on the captured Time & Attendance data. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• captured, stored, exportable time and attendance data\n\n• standard and ad hoc employee time and attendance reports "}], "hcm-A5-3": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A5-3.010", "Activity":"Benefits Policy and Procedure Management", "Description":"Interpreting and advising on Federal and Agency benefit policies and designing agency benefits strategy, policies, and procedures. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency-specific benefits strategy as needed \n\n• agency-specific benefits policies and procedures as needed \n\n• accurate advice and guidance "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-3.020", "Activity":"Agency-level Benefits Administration ", "Description":"Managing eligibility and enrollment for benefits programs. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• accurate determination of enrollment eligibility\n\n• accurate benefits processing\n\n• customer service (e.g., error remediation, system support, processing issues)\n\n• Audit of employee benefit documentation to determine accuracy and compliance\n\n• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as needed\n\n• facilitate and manage the development of agency-specific benefit tools, as needed \n\n• coordination with stakeholders to support the administration of benefits programs\n\n• Benefits reports, as needed"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-3.030", "Activity":"Benefits Counseling and Communication", "Description":"Implementing benefits communication strategy to educate and counsel employees. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• benefits programs communication and education plan\n\n• marketing materials\n\n• benefits education seminars and briefings, etc. \n\n• benefits counseling \n\n• promote awareness of established benefits tools "}], "hcm-A5-4": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A5-4.010 ", "Activity":"Work-life Strategy, Program, and Policy Development ", "Description":"Developing Agency Work-Life strategies, programs, and, policies. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency work-life strategy, which may include, but not limited to:\n \n• analysis and overview of the environment / climate impacting agency work-life initiatives\n \n• work-life program objectives \n \n• documented plan for communicating strategic work-life priorities to stakeholders\n \n• documented plan for evaluating, enforcing, and reporting progress \n against work-life strategic objectives \n\n• agency Work-life Programs policies, as needed"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-4.020", "Activity":"Work-life Programs Administration", "Description":"Administering Work-life Programs. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• Work-life Programs marketing materials and communication plan\n\n• employee guidance on participation and access to Work-life Programs\n\n• determination of enrollment eligibility as required\n\n• Work-life Programs processing and customer service \n\n• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as needed\n\n• Implementation of plan for evaluating, enforcing, and reporting progress against work-life strategic objectives "}] }], "Standard Data Elements": { "Standard Data Elements": "/assets/files/downloads/HCM_Tal_Dev_2025/Talent Development Standard Data Elements.xlsx", "jsonData": { "url":"/assets/json/data-elements/HCM Data Elements_A3 (Talent Development).json", "name":"Talent Development Standard Data Elements (JSON)" } } , "Business Capabilities": [ {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide a mechanism to assess the actual total cost of ownership (TCO) for talent development products and services.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to identify, plan for and track business objectives and evaluate the effectiveness of learning interventions to address those objectives.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to align Talent Development to organizational goals.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the cost of talent development interventions are consistent, fair, and transparent.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.304"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable logistics, controls, processes, and workflows to achieve an effective end-to-end talent development experience.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the mechanism to adjust organizational talent development plans based on talent development evaluation data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to evaluate talent development programs and functions on a periodic basis.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide mechanism to enable high-performance “what-if” scenarios to analyze and plan workforce requirements, strategy, and changes (available for authorized users only).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.010.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.010 Talent Development Strategy", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development evaluation controls, processes, and workflows to ensure a valid business case exists.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to evaluate and acquire the best value talent development solutions.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide a mechanism to assess the actual total cost of ownership (TCO) for talent development products and services.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development evaluation controls, processes, and workflows to measure return on investment.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to compare and evaluate cost and effectiveness of equivalent offerings.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to address areas of increasing employee responsibility (e.g., managing interdisciplinary workforce, managing employees with non-traditional career patterns) in planning effective leadership talent development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for employee training histories to follow employees through the entire employee lifecycle and across federal agencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.302 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to identify, plan for and track business objectives and evaluate the effectiveness of learning interventions to address those objectives.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure training is aligned with agency approved, mission-related, measurable competencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to conduct training needs assessments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to align Talent Development to organizational goals.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure that talent development activities are congruent with the evaluation plan, program learning objectives, expected work outputs, and business outcomes. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure that all Talent Development activities are accessible to all users.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.204 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.150", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to employ full range of delivery options to meet mission related organizational and talent development needs or requirements.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.160", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to deliver, manage and track formal, informal, non-traditional, traditional, and pilot talent development programs.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.170", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Manage the resources required to support and deliver talent development.", "Authoritative Reference":"Executive Order 13111 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.180", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable logistics, controls, processes, and workflows to achieve an effective end-to-end talent development experience.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.190", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure talent development offerings meet user needs, goals, and quality standards.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.200", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the mechanism to adjust organizational talent development plans based on talent development evaluation data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.020.210", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.020 Talent Development Operational Planning and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to easily search, identify, and evaluate existing content that could meet a requirement for deployment in a specific agency.", "Authoritative Reference":"Executive Order 13111 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development controls, processes, and workflows to manage learning content and materials.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability for agencies to share talent development content, facilities and opportunities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure that all Talent Development activities are accessible to all users.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.204 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to share Talent Development resources across agencies and external entities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to categorize Talent Development content (e.g. meta data).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to enable virtual collaboration and sharing of expertise.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.305 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide knowledge-sharing opportunities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.305 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop a government-wide Talent Development knowledge management protocol.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.305 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.030.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.030 Talent Development Knowledge Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to address areas of increasing employee responsibility (e.g., managing interdisciplinary workforce, managing employees with non-traditional career patterns) in planning effective leadership talent development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to integrate succession and workforce planning goals into individual development plans.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to identify, plan for and track business objectives and evaluate the effectiveness of learning interventions to address those objectives.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure training is aligned with agency approved, mission-related, measurable competencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to conduct training needs assessments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Develop competency benchmarks (i.e. Technical, Leadership).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.102 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the framework for competency models to be created for mission critical occupations.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.102 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O/P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable competency assessment controls, processes, and workflows to identify gaps, recommended learning, and confirm the gaps have been closed.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for supervisors to review competency assessments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.102 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-1.040.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-1 Talent Development Planning", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-1.040 Skills, Competencies Assessment and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.010.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.010 Coaching Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to align leadership development activities to Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.302 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.010.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.010 Coaching Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.010.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.010 Coaching Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to address areas of increasing employee responsibility (e.g., managing interdisciplinary workforce, managing employees with non-traditional career patterns) in planning effective leadership talent development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.010.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.010 Coaching Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze summative evaluation data (e.g. participant/instructor/content impressions and reactions; expected work outputs, business outcomes).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.010.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.010 Coaching Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to align leadership development activities to Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs). ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.302 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development controls, processes, and workflows to manage learning content and materials.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable content controls, processes, and workflows to add Agency-specific content to existing Governmentwide curriculum.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to address government-specific training for issues of concern (e.g., procurement, integrity, ethical standards).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.204 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to address areas of increasing employee responsibility (e.g., managing interdisciplinary workforce, managing employees with non-traditional career patterns) in planning effective leadership talent development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to conduct content reviews periodically to assess needed changes to learning content in order to maintain its currency and accuracy, and assess time sensitivity of content to prescribe the length between review intervals or conditions triggering them.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to integrate succession and workforce planning goals into individual development plans.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to support evaluation of TD outputs and outcomes.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure training is aligned with agency approved, mission-related, measurable competencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to conduct training needs assessments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure that talent development activities are congruent with the evaluation plan, program learning objectives, expected work outputs, and business outcomes. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to allow the timely revisions of Talent Development Program components and processes (e.g. courses and curricula, learning activities, duration, instructor, application process, evaluation process) based on formative evaluation data, without having to complete a full development cycle. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze summative evaluation data (e.g. participant/instructor/content impressions and reactions; expected work outputs, business outcomes).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.150", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect, analyze, and document informal learning (e.g. books, volunteer work, self-directed learning).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.160", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to aggregate training program evaluation results and publish the results in the program course library.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.170", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to validate that supervisors have completed training as required in 5 CFR 412.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.020.180", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.020 Leadership Development Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to manage the full life-cycle for IDP creation, review, updates, deleting, re-routes, and close-out; accommodates professional certification requirements. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to address areas of increasing employee responsibility (e.g., managing interdisciplinary workforce, managing employees with non-traditional career patterns) in planning effective leadership talent development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to integrate succession and workforce planning goals into individual development plans.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to record, track, and report Talent Development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for supervisors to review competency assessments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.102 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide for employee goal and achievement tracking.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for employees to view blind, aggregate data comparing competency assessments of the employee population across various positions, grades, and peer groups.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.030.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.030 Individual Development Planning Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.040.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.040 Mentoring", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide knowledge-sharing opportunities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.305 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.040.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.040 Mentoring", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to employ full range of delivery options to meet mission related organizational and talent development needs or requirements.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.040.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.040 Mentoring", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze summative evaluation data (e.g. participant/instructor/content impressions and reactions; expected work outputs, business outcomes).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.040.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.040 Mentoring", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide solution that will support mentoring activities with mentoring tools and online environments to facilitate mentoring.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.202"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.040.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.040 Mentoring", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to measure effectiveness and results of mentoring initiatives.", "Authoritative Reference":"Executive Order 11348"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.040.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.040 Mentoring", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish requirements that define qualifications or characteristics needed to become a mentor.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 412.202 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.040.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.040 Mentoring", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development controls, processes, and workflows to manage learning content and materials.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable content controls, processes, and workflows to add Agency-specific content to existing government-wide curriculum.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to address government-specific training for issues of concern (e.g., procurement, integrity, ethical standards).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.204 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the mechanism to design, develop, and deliver agency-specific training.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure occupational curricula can be designed and assigned based on occupational positions.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to conduct content reviews periodically to assess needed changes to learning content in order to maintain its currency and accuracy, and assess time sensitivity of content to prescribe the length between review intervals or conditions triggering them.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability for agencies to share talent development content, facilities and opportunities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to support evaluation of TD outputs and outcomes.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure training is aligned with agency approved, mission-related, measurable competencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to conduct training needs assessments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure talent development activities are competency based.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to establish a specific strategy for remediating learners who did not achieve a successful learning experience.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure that talent development activities are congruent with the evaluation plan, program learning objectives, expected work outputs, and business outcomes. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.150", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to allow the timely revisions of Talent Development Program components and processes (e.g. courses and curricula, learning activities, duration, instructor, application process, evaluation process) based on formative evaluation data, without having to complete a full development cycle. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.160", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze summative evaluation data (e.g. participant/instructor/content impressions and reactions; expected work outputs, business outcomes).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.170", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect, analyze, and document informal learning (e.g. books, volunteer work, self-directed learning).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.180", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to aggregate training program evaluation results and publish the results in the program course library.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.190", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to test out of a course using indicators that are valid, reliable predictors of work performance.", "Authoritative Reference":"Executive Order 11348 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.050.200", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.050 Course Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development controls, processes, and workflows to manage learning content and materials.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable content controls, processes, and workflows to add Agency-specific content to existing government-wide curriculum.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to address government-specific training for issues of concern (e.g., procurement, integrity, ethical standards).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.204 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable controls, processes, and workflows to ensure that employees in jobs with re-training and/or continuing education requirements are tracked and receive appropriate training to maintain qualifications for certification, licensure, etc.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the mechanism to design, develop, and deliver agency-specific training.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure occupational curricula can be designed and assigned based on occupational positions.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to conduct content reviews periodically to assess needed changes to learning content in order to maintain its currency and accuracy, and assess time sensitivity of content to prescribe the length between review intervals or conditions triggering them", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability to support evaluation of TD outputs and outcomes.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure training is aligned with agency approved, mission-related, measurable competencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to conduct training needs assessments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure talent development activities are competency based.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure that talent development activities are congruent with the evaluation plan, program learning objectives, expected work outputs, and business outcomes. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to allow the timely revisions of Talent Development Program components and processes (e.g. courses and curricula, learning activities, duration, instructor, application process, evaluation process) based on formative evaluation data, without having to complete a full development cycle. ", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.150", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze summative evaluation data (e.g. participant/instructor/content impressions and reactions; expected work outputs, business outcomes).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.160", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect, analyze, and document informal learning (e.g. books, volunteer work, self-directed learning).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.170", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to aggregate training program evaluation results and publish the results in the program course library.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.180", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to track on the job training (OJT) progress against relevant individual work assignments.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-2.060.190", "Function":"HCM.A3-2 Talent Development and Training", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-2.060 Job Specific Qualification Program Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to easily search, identify, and evaluate existing content that could meet a requirement for deployment in a specific agency.", "Authoritative Reference":"Executive Order 13111 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development controls, processes, and workflows to manage learning content and materials.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable content controls, processes, and workflows to add Agency-specific content to existing government-wide curriculum.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to conduct content reviews periodically to assess needed changes to learning content in order to maintain its currency and accuracy, and assess time sensitivity of content to prescribe the length between review intervals or conditions triggering them.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure the ability for agencies to share talent development content, facilities and opportunities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure that all Talent Development activities are accessible to all users.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.204 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to share Talent Development resources across agencies and external entities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to categorize Talent Development content (e.g. meta data).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for stakeholders to easily access and utilize Talent Development programs, resources, and systems.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.305 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to aggregate training program evaluation results and publish the results in the program course library.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to create, record, and store formal and informal (e.g., MOOC, website content and videos, private study, work-life experience, external learning activities and artifacts) talent development activities and track these activities as credit hours in a student transcript.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish mechanism to track formal and informal activities that integrate with other Talent Development services.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure all Talent Development content is separated into sharable content objects (e.g. SCORM or other similar methodology).", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.010.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.010 Course Library Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to allow agencies to pay for expenses associated with talent development.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.401 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to create, change, and view user information or profile.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the mechanism to design, develop, and deliver agency-specific training.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4121 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to identify, assign, and track employee compliance and completion of mandatory training based on specific criteria.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Ensure occupational curricula can be designed and assigned based on occupational positions.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to provide a talent development request and approval process.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to register for and/or withdraw from Talent Development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to employ full range of delivery options to meet mission related organizational and talent development needs or requirements.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to communicate with and capture data from participants.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.302 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to allow participants to communicate with one another in a structured environment with moderator.", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to deliver, manage, and track synchronous virtual training.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to deliver, manage, and track asynchronous virtual training.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to deliver, manage and track formal, informal, non-traditional, traditional, and pilot talent development programs.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to record, track, and report Talent Development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.150", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable logistics, controls, processes, and workflows to achieve an effective end-to-end talent development experience.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.160", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to track attendance, cancellations, and absences for learning activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.170", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for stakeholders to easily access and utilize Talent Development programs, resources, and systems.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.305 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.180", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for employees to view their own training history.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.310 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.190", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to create, record, and store formal and informal (e.g., MOOC, website content and videos, private study, work-life experience, external learning activities and artifacts) talent development activities and track these activities as credit hours in a student transcript.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.200", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to gather context data surrounding a learning event (e.g., environment in which the training occurred, modality, location).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.210", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to test out of a course using indicators that are valid, reliable predictors of work performance.", "Authoritative Reference":"Executive Order 11348 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.220", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze training hours/items required for qualifications and/or certifications.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.230", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide collection of all training data in accordance with federal SF-182 form.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.240", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide solution that sends automated status notifications to the learner and the supervisor(via the stated preferred method, as set in the employee profile) any time there are changes in the status of the course (e.g. a course is cancelled) or the employee’s enrollment status (e.g. from Requested to Enrolled).", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.250", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide mechanism to generate course notifications, which may contain customized text and a combination of employee and course attributes. Notifications should be sent electronically. Notifications such as registration acknowledgement, waitlist, enrollment and cancellation are just a few examples.", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.260", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide means for authorized administrators to view class rosters. Data to be included on roster should be configurable by admin staff. e.g. include or exclude any fields: org code, e-mail address, payment status, completion status, duration, or other).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.107 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.020.270", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.020 Course Registration and Delivery Design and Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to allow agencies to pay for expenses associated with talent development.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.401 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable controls, processes, and workflows to ensure that employees in jobs with re-training and/or continuing education requirements are tracked and receive appropriate training to maintain qualifications for certification, licensure, etc.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to manage certification and licensing.", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to support a multi-level employee certification program (i.e., COR certifications, FAC-C/FAC-P/PM).", "Authoritative Reference":"Executive Order 11348"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to track individual certifications, completions, training events activities, and learning histories; regardless of federal agency", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze training hours/items required for qualifications and/or certifications.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide solution that can track and update training records when individual certification requirements are completed.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide solution that allows employees the ability to input their own external training information for courses taken elsewhere. Before training becomes part of the student’s record, the supervisor or training approver must approve it.", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.030.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.030 Course Certification and Credit Management", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to create, change, and view user information or profile.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable controls, processes, and workflows to ensure that employees in jobs with re-training and/or continuing education requirements are tracked and receive appropriate training to maintain qualifications for certification, licensure, etc.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism for managing all employee related TD data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to ensure employee data remains private.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.106 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to report talent development activities to EHRI.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.303 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for employee training histories to follow employees through the entire employee lifecycle and across federal agencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.302 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to share Talent Development resources across agencies and external entities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to categorize Talent Development content (e.g. meta data).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provides the ability to audit and edit learning records.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 250.204 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to coordinate data migration and implementation.", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provides the ability to exchange data between and among other business systems.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to track individual certifications, completions, training activities, and learning histories; regardless of federal agency.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.303 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to report talent development data to other federal agencies as appropriate (e.g., OPM EHRI, GSA, OMB).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.303 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.150", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for employees to view their own training history.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.310 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.160", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to create, record, and store formal and informal (e.g., MOOC, website content and videos, private study, work-life experience, external learning activities and artifacts) talent development activities and track these activities as credit hours in a student transcript.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.170", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism for user audit trails (e.g., name, create time and date, and updates to time and date).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.180", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism for tracking a comprehensive range of data (including metadata) for all types of talent development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.190", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to provide consistent and transparent government-wide reporting of talent development performance data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.200", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze training hours/items required for qualifications and/or certifications.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.210", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide solution that can track and update training records when individual certification requirements are completed.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.220", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide solution that allows employees the ability to input their own external training information for courses taken elsewhere. Before training becomes part of the student’s record, the supervisor or training approver must approve it.", "Authoritative Reference":"No authoritative sources identified"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.040.230", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.040 Talent Development System Administration", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.010", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"I", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide adaptable talent development evaluation controls, processes, and workflows to ensure a valid business case exists.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.020", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to create, change, and view user information or profile.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.030", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to collect, analyze, and report multiple types of employee and agency Talent Development data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.040", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to compare and evaluate cost and effectiveness of equivalent offerings.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4103 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.050", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to report talent development activities to EHRI.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.303 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.060", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability for employee training histories to follow employees through the entire employee lifecycle and across federal agencies.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.302 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.070", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to track and report expenses associated with Talent Development opportunities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.080", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to deliver, manage and track formal, informal, non-traditional, traditional, and pilot talent development programs.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.203 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.090", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to record, track, and report Talent Development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.100", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect and analyze summative evaluation data (e.g. participant/instructor/content impressions and reactions; expected work outputs, business outcomes).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.110", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to collect, analyze, and document informal learning (e.g. books, volunteer work, self-directed learning).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.120", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to track individual certifications, completions, training activities, and learning histories; regardless of federal agency.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.303 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.130", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to report talent development data to other federal agencies as appropriate (e.g., OPM EHRI, GSA, OMB).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 293.303 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.140", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to aggregate training program evaluation results and publish the results in the program course library.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.150", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to create, record, and store formal and informal (e.g., MOOC, website content and videos, private study, work-life experience, external learning activities and artifacts) talent development activities and track these activities as credit hours in a student transcript.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.160", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism for tracking a comprehensive range of data (including metadata) for all types of talent development activities.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.170", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Establish the mechanism to gather context data surrounding a learning event (e.g., environment in which the training occurred, modality, location).", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.601"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.180", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to analyze and report training delivery data.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4115 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.190", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide a means to measure cost effectiveness and efficiency of employee development efforts.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 CFR § 410.201 "}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.200", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"O", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide solution that can provide variety of reports at the agency, bureau, organization, office and individual level based on user permissions, with a variety of grouping filtering and sorting capabilities. All data fields must be reportable.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.210", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Provide the ability to generate ad-hoc reports.", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 4118"}, {"Capability ID":"HCM.A3-3.050.220", "Function":"HCM.A3-3 Learning Administration", "Activity Name":"HCM.A3-3.050 Talent Development Program Tracking and Reporting", "Input/Output/Process":"P", "Business Capability Statement":"Track and manage records in accordance with NARA’s General Records Schedule or an agency-specific records schedule", "Authoritative Reference":"5 U.S. Code § 552a "} ], "Service Measures": { "Service Measures": "/assets/files/downloads/HCM_Tal_Dev_2025/Talent Development Service Measures.xlsx" } }]