{ "hcm-A1-1": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A1-1.010", "Activity":"Human Capital Strategy Development", "Description":"Conducting environmental scan (e.g., strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats [SWOT] analysis, metrics results), strategic document assessment activities (e.g., review of: Agency Strategic Plan, Agency Performance Plan, President's Management Agenda), and workforce data analysis (e.g., of retirement, diversity, turnover, grade distribution data) to develop long-term human capital (HC) strategic goals and objectives, short-term HC initiatives and milestones that align to those goals and strategies, and a HC strategy implementation plan (typically the Human Capital Operating Plan (HCOP)). Includes updating the previous HC strategies, updating results related to each goal, updating and/or rewriting existing goals, developing new goals, and developing gap remediation strategies for each portion of the HC lifecycle. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Updated HC strategy-related document\n• Documented modifications to existing HC strategic goals/objectives\n• Documentation of new HC strategic initiatives/milestones\n• Documentation of gap remediation strategies"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-1.020", "Activity":"Human Capital Strategy\nImplementation and Monitoring", "Description":"Implementing agency HC strategy implementation plan (typically the Human Capital Operating Plan (HCOP)) and monitoring the results (e.g., reviewing goal metrics/measures; typically through OPM's HRStat program) to ensure strategy implementation is proceeding as planned. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• HC strategy implementation updates and presentations\n• Functional budget revisions"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-1.030", "Activity":"Human Capital Strategy Data\nAnalysis and Evaluation", "Description":"Gathering and analyzing data (HC and otherwise) to conduct regular (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually) reviews (typically HRStat, Independent Audit Program (IAP), and/or Human Capital Review (HCR) programs) aimed at informing progress of execution of the HC strategy. This evaluation can include reviewing and analyzing HC strategy metrics, government-wide datasets (e.g., Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS)), or other agency or government measurement sources). The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Datasets for use in HC analysis\n• Formal results documentation of HC strategic goals/objectives and/or initiatives/milestones\n• Detailed write up of statistical analysis methodologies used\n• Updates to stakeholders on a regular (i.e., as planned) basis"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-1.040", "Activity":"Human Capital Strategy\nRevision & Stakeholder\nCommunication", "Description":"Developing remediation strategies to resolve gaps found in analysis (e.g., targeted hiring for a specific occupation, training course) from the evolving agency priorities, industry benchmarking, and best practices in similar agencies and organizations. Also, includes updating HC strategy for future planning cycles and presenting final outcomes to stakeholders. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Documentation of identified gaps\n• Development of HC strategy results presentation for stakeholders\n• Documentation of revised HC strategic goals/objectives and/or initiatives/milestones"}], "hcm-A1-2": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A1-2.010", "Activity":"Strategic Workforce Direction", "Description":"Reviewing internal and external factors (i.e., conducting environmental scan) that influence an agency's workforce, and interactively and continuously developing strategies to align the agency's current and future workforce with its business/agency direction. Internal factors can include overall agency and human capital (HC) strategy and/or operating model(s)(typically the Human Capital Operating Plan (HCOP), current metric results, succession planning documents, and budget resources for workforce planning efforts. External factors can include economic conditions, labor force trends, and legal and regulatory changes. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Workforce planning business case & strategic drivers\n• Environmental scan (e.g., Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT)), or other internal/external research, results (e.g., Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, Environmental (PESTLE) analysis)\n• Workforce planning project plan\n• Workforce planning report outline"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-2.020", "Activity":"Workforce Analysis", "Description":"Examining the size and/or composition of an agency’s workforce and analyzing the agency's current and future workforce needs and priorities. Includes developing projections or forecasts of future workforce requirements, and identifying potential gaps to inform a workforce action plan to eliminate gaps. Additional analyses may include competency and skill gap analysis, as well as other critical HC analyses (e.g., retention analysis, engagement analysis). The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Results from supply analysis that calculate current workforce and forecast expected future workforce\n• Results from demand analysis that outline current workforce needs and forecast expected future workforce requirements\n• Results from analysis observing differences between current and future workforce supply and demand (i.e., gap analysis)\n• Anticipated legal and regulatory change report\n• Turnover and retirement projection report\n• Competency inventory report, as applicable\n• Organizational health/culture assessment report, as applicable\n• Business process/workflow analysis report, as applicable\n• Return on investment (ROI) projection, as applicable"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-2.030", "Activity":"Workforce Action Plan Development", "Description":"Developing an action plan to address critical gaps between an agency's current and anticipated future workforce and workforce needs. The workforce action plan must include specific actions to take to address workforce gaps or surpluses, including details on who, when, where, and how actions will be taken. The workforce action plan can include services across HC functions. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Strategic and operational workforce action plan to address workforce gaps/surpluses, including:\n • Workforce models\n • Risk forecast and mitigation plan\n • Change management plan\n • Communications plan\n • Resource/budget plan\n • Recruiting/hiring/staffing plan, as applicable\n • Retention plan, as applicable\n • Talent/performance management plan, as applicable\n • Talent development/training plan, as applicable\n • Succession plan for leadership positions, as applicable\n • Process or workflow redesign plan, as applicable\n • Scenario/contingency plan, as applicable\n• Workforce action plan outcome performance/evaluation measures"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-2.040", "Activity":"Workforce Action Plan Implementation and Evaluation", "Description":"Initiating and monitoring the workforce action plan and assessing the effectiveness of the workforce planning effort(s). Often includes communicating and coordinating with leaders across HC functions, engaging in regular change management and communications activities, and revising/updating the workforce action plan, as needed. Additionally, presentation of the entire plan, or portions of the plan, may be required within this service. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Implementation of workforce action plan\n• Workforce planning evaluation report, including:\n • Workforce planning effort performance assessment\n • Revised workforce action plan, as applicable\n • Workforce action plan actual return on investment (ROI), as applicable"}], "hcm-A1-3": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A1-3.010", "Activity":"Position Classification and\nPosition Management Consultation", "Description":"Defining a customer mission-oriented need and determining response time and specific plan to support the customer based on their request. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n•A proactive, continuous position management program to ensure that position descriptions and organizational structures are current\n•A project plan for position classification or position management effort, if required for complex actions\n•Previously completed position classification or position management deliverables as defined\n•Expert position classification and/or position management advice\n•Initial starting point for subject matter experts who participate in later parts of the position classification and/or position management process"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-3.020", "Activity":"Existing Position\nReclassification or Recertification", "Description":"Assessing a currently existing position, including reviewing subject matter expert defined position requirements and position classification standards to update existing position description(s) or other position classification or position management-related documentation due to changes in the customer agency organization (e.g., policy change, mission changes, change to position duties). The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• An updated position description, if requested and applicable\n• Documented position classification analysis results, if requested and applicable\n• Related position description documentation (e.g., cover sheet, position designations), if requested and applicable\n• Completed official evaluation statement, if requested and applicable\n• Results of a requested desk audit, if requested and applicable\n• Standardized/generic position descriptions, if requested and applicable\n• The creation of career ladders (adding to clarity of career development), if requested and applicable"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-3.030", "Activity":"New Position Classification\nand Certification", "Description":"Conducting an assessment of classification for a new position or job. This incudes reviewing previously conducted job analysis, if available, and other materials (e.g., reviewing organizational structure to validate position meets organizational requirements, hiring manager documentation of hiring needs). The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• A new position description and related documentation (e.g., cover sheet, position designations)\n• Completed official evaluation statement\n• Documented position classification analysis results\n• Standardized/generic position descriptions, if requested and applicable\n• The creation of career ladders (adding to clarity of career development), if requested and applicable"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-3.040", "Activity":"Position Structure\nDevelopment (for New and Existing\nOrganizations)", "Description":"Developing a new position structure for an organization, including making recommendations for position requirements, skill requirements, knowledge requirements and grade structure, among other components of the recommendations. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Organizational and/or grade structure for organization, if requested and applicable\n• Resourcing options for each position defined, if requested and applicable\n• Updated organizational chart defining new/changed functions, if requested and applicable\n• Updated/new/abolished positions and offices, if requested and applicable"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-3.050", "Activity":"Position Classification and\nPosition Management Program\nEvaluation", "Description":"Conducting a program evaluation/review focused on current classification and/or position management outputs and practices to identify noncompliance issues, lack of sufficient detail, and opportunities to streamline operations. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n• Program evaluation report focused on position classification results including, but not limited to, identified gaps, gap closure strategies and relevant rules and regulations to be followed\n• Inputs and/or results provided to centralized position repository, if requested and applicable\n• Recommended changes to position classification processes and/or documentation (if applicable) or position management (organizational structure, supervisory staffing levels), if requested and applicable"}], "hcm-A1-4": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A1-4.010", "Activity":"Employee Engagement Program Planning", "Description":"Producing employee engagement program strategic direction (e.g., mission, vision, goals, guiding principles, and objectives); and developing related program planning documentation. This service may include defining specific employee engagement initiatives and related monitoring and assessment plans and methodologies; producing employee engagement program operating and/or management plans; identifying strategic organizational partnerships and continuous improvement opportunities; and conducting data-driven evaluations of employee engagement-related organizational strengths and areas for improvement. The service outcome(s) may include, but not be limited to:\n• Participant/target audience inclusion criteria and planning for employee engagement initiative efforts (e.g., planned initiatives across employee types, such as full-time employees, contractors, etc.)\n• Organizational stakeholder program planning input (stakeholders may include functional managers, supervisors, collective bargaining units, labor relations officials, employees, employee affinity/resource groups, etc.) \n• Defined employee engagement program strategic direction (e.g., mission, vision, goals, guiding principles, and objectives)\n• Internal and/or external employee engagement baseline data and benchmarking resources\n• Employee engagement program operating plan (Note: planning is required in all of these areas, but only in some cases will the planning result in a formal plan):\n • Employee engagement initiatives (in-person communication, engagement workshops, training and development, morale exchange councils, etc.), aligned with agency and/or human capital strategy\n • Employee engagement communications plan\n • Employee engagement change management plan\n • Employee engagement organizational stakeholder management plan \n • Employee engagement scope, schedule, and/or budget management plans\n • Employee engagement resource management plan (including technology/system, human resources, and contracting/employee management plans)"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-4.020", "Activity":"Employee Engagement Data Collection", "Description":"Planning, developing, administering or collecting employee engagement data throughout the employee engagement program lifecycle, and distributing employee engagement analysis results to organizational stakeholders. The aim of this service is the collection and measurement of important employee engagement-related data from employees, though a potential variety of means (the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), agency-developed engagement surveys, pulse surveys, interviews/focus groups, etc.). The service outcome(s) may include, but not be limited to:\n• Organization-wide employee engagement data collection plan that aligns to Agency and Federal goals\n• Documented decision to develop organization-specific or shared service provider employee engagement data collection solution (Note: the OPM administered Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey is often selected)\n• Supplemental employee engagement feedback gathering tools (e.g., pulse surveys, supervisor check-ins, focus group protocol)\n• Final employee engagement analysis results communication plan to disseminate results across organizational levels and audiences (department, agency, bureau, office, division, units, etc.)\n• Documented employee engagement data collection technical report (including employee participation rates across employee type, organizational categories, and/or organizational levels), as needed according to audience\n• Ad-hoc custom reporting capability for stakeholder requests/inquiries (from functional managers, supervisors, collective bargaining units, labor relations officials, employees, employee affinity/resource groups, etc.)"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-4.030", "Activity":"Employee Engagement Analysis and Evaluation", "Description":"Analyzing employee engagement initiative and overall program data. This service may include computing defined employee engagement-related metrics; analyzing employee engagement initiative results relative to program planning documents; and determining solutions for identified employee engagement challenges (if any). The service outcome(s) may include but not be limited to:\n• Organization-wide employee engagement data analysis plan with demonstrated alignment to success criteria, to include:\n • Plan for identifying, acquiring, and organizing disparate employee engagement data into centralized location/dataset\n • Plan for cleaning or otherwise preparing raw employee engagement data for analysis\n • Data analysis plan, including selecting the appropriate analyses to conduct (e.g., correlation analysis, index computation) \n • Analysis and evaluation plan\n• Computed employee engagement metrics (e.g., Employee Engagement Index (EEI), Global Satisfaction Index (GSI), or agency-specific employee engagement metrics)\n• Employee engagement initiative and overall program evaluation results\n• Findings of gap analysis between employee engagement program goals/objectives and final results\n• Analysis of relationship between employee engagement initiative results and organizational outcomes of interest (voluntary turnover, employee performance, return on investment, mission accomplishment, etc.), if possible\n• Employee engagement initiative evaluation status reports (e.g., HRStat reviews)"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-4.040", "Activity":"Employee Engagement Action Planning", "Description":"Producing data-driven action plans to address specific organizational employee engagement challenges (improving engagement scores for particular engagement measure, functional unit, etc.) . This service may include reviewing employee engagement program analysis and evaluation results and key findings; identifying particular actions to improve employee engagement efforts; developing policies or organizational actions to remove workplace constraints/barriers and improve factors/conditions related to employee engagement; and following-up on action plans with organizational stakeholders, as needed. The service outcome(s) may include, but not be limited to:\n• Action plans for specific employee engagement initiatives, scores on engagement measures/variables, functional units, and/or focus areas\n• Action plan evaluation criteria (e.g., action plan milestones/deadlines, Service Measures)\n• Collaborative stakeholder employee engagement guidance, coaching, and support\n• Organizational stakeholder action planning input (from functional managers, supervisors, collective bargaining units, labor relations officials, employees, employee affinity/resource groups, etc.)\n• Employee engagement initiative guidance, tools, and/or resources for organizational stakeholders (employee engagement data report/dashboard generation tool, employee engagement communications package/template, employee engagement leading practices toolkit, employee engagement shared webpage, action planning guidance documents, employee engagement data collection cheat sheet, employee performance management plans, employee individual development plans (IDPs), employee engagement index heat map, etc.)"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A1-4.050", "Activity":"Employee Engagement Program Management", "Description":"Implementing and monitoring employee engagement initiatives, according to program planning documents and strategic direction. This service may include commencing planned employee engagement initiatives; reviewing employee engagement initiative progress across organizational factors (e.g., employee type, organizational categories and/or levels); continuously collecting employee engagement initiative information (e.g., stakeholder feedback, data collection results); supporting organizational stakeholders (functional managers, supervisors, collective bargaining units, employees, etc.); revising employee engagement program planning documents, as necessary; and preparing employee engagement key findings reports to inform employee engagement action planning activities. The service outcome(s) may include, but not be limited to:\n• Organizational point of contact for employee engagement efforts\n• Coordination of organizational employee engagement activities\n• Employee engagement interpretation guidance for employees (i.e., helping employees understand their results)\n• Employee engagement program planning document (e.g., employee engagement program operating plan and/or related component plans) change requests\n• Program implementation reports, as needed (e.g., status reports, deliverables, milestones)\n• Advisory/consultative support for organizational stakeholders (functional managers, supervisors, collective bargaining units, labor relations officials, employees, employee affinity/resource groups, etc.)\n• Overall employee engagement program key findings report (across employee engagement initiatives)"}] }