{ "hcm-A10-1": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A10-1.010", "Activity":"Human Capital Evaluation Program Planning", "Description":"Developing and refining plans/policies for the agency HC evaluation program. The service may include reviewing internal/external factors that influence the HC evaluation program (e.g., agency operational concerns; Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance; White House President’s Management Agenda (PMA); Federal Workforce Priorities Report (FWPR); agency Human Capital Operating Plan (HCOP) goals; HRStat, Independent Audit Program (IAP), and Human Capital Review (HCR) results and findings; and/or strategic plan goals). The work may also include defining resource requirements and roles and responsibilities and a HC evaluation program logic model; and developing/refining a formal evaluation program communications plan, HC evaluation function strategic plan, and training curriculum for agency evaluators. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n\n•HC Evaluation Program Policy Document (e.g., may include a description of the HC Evaluation Program and how it operates, specification of roles and responsibilities, and a HC evaluation program logic model)\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Logic Model \n\n• HC Evaluation Program Goals\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Financial and Human Resource Requirements\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Communications Plan\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Environmental Scan\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Annual Schedule of Evaluations\n\n• HC Program Evaluation Function Training Curriculum"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A10-1.020", "Activity":"Human Capital Evaluation Program Analysis", "Description":"Conducting program-level analysis of the HC evaluation program, as well as implementing evaluation monitoring. The service may include conducting a research-based evaluation and analysis of HC evaluation program implementation, execution, and results, including how evaluations are planned, carried out, and completed. This service may also include analysis of various data sources, analysis of root causes of HC issues, analysis of HCOP and other strategic planning metrics, and evaluation activities. Evaluation program monitoring includes assessing measures, HC drivers (e.g., leadership practices, knowledge management), predictors of success, milestones, and critical success factors/focus areas used in evaluations, quality of reviews, and value to HCM operations to assess the impact of the strategies implemented and validity of metrics used. Finally, this service may also come in the form of an internal audit that is performed on the entire HC evaluation program. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Monitoring Operational Plan (this means defining the metrics, measures, and goals to be set up and measured)\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Results (every three years)\n\n• HC Evaluation Program HCR-related Analysis Report (this means analyzing what the program found; a review of findings)\n\n• Internal Assessment of HC Evaluation Program Data Sources (may include an assessment of the quality and validity of the measures being used, analysis results to be provided within agency HC planning documents, such as the HCOP, HRStat, IAP, and HCR)\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Communication Plan for Annual Results"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A10-1.030", "Activity":"Human Capital Evaluation Program Action Planning & Improvement", "Description":"Developing a set of strategic recommendations to address gaps between an agency’s evaluation practices, program evaluation best practices, and agency human capital management (HCM) broadly. The service may include developing recommendations that include specific actions to take to address findings of Human Capital evaluation analysis (e.g., HRStat, IAP, HCR). This may include evaluating identification of appropriate data, metrics, data collection and analytical methods, workforce gaps or surpluses. Action planning includes details on who, when, where, and how actions will be taken; changes in how a program operates, reports, or evaluates itself; and advising on setting future targets for follow-on years of HC evaluation program operation. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Gap Analysis\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Improvement Plan\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Communication Plan for Annual Results\n\n• HC Evaluation Program Implementation Plan (this means the actual schedule of changes based on the gap analysis)\n\n• HC Program Enhancements Report"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A10-1.040", "Activity":"Human Capital Evaluation Planning", "Description":"Creating a plan for a single HC evaluation or a series of evaluations across the Human Capital Framework Systems (i.e., Strategic Planning & Alignment, Talent Management, Performance Culture, and Evaluation). The service may include developing an actionable evaluation plan(s) for a specific evaluation or series of linked evaluations using expert-level program evaluation expertise and best practices, as well as developing useful templates and guides for future evaluations. The service may also include the development of individual components within the evaluation plan (e.g., research goals, data analysis plan), as well as support in linking evaluation to agency strategic outcomes. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n\n• HC Evaluation Plan\n\n• HC Evaluation Purpose and Scope Definition\n\n• HC Evaluation Stakeholder Analysis\n\n• HC Evaluation Criteria\n\n• HC Evaluation Resource, Staffing, and Skill Requirements Definition & Verification\n\n• HC Evaluation Staff Gap Closure Plan (as applicable)\n\n• HC Evaluation Data Analysis Plan"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A10-1.050", "Activity":"Human Capital Implementation & Evaluation", "Description":"Providing evaluation support in the execution of a HC evaluation and/or series of linked evaluations based on approved evaluation plans including the development of standard operating procedures, providing evaluation expertise, and conducting a key portion of the evaluation process(es). The service may include supporting evaluation processes ranging from management and execution of data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and providing results and HC program improvement recommendations to help improve quality and impact of evaluations using a range of advanced analytic techniques. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to: \n\n• HC Evaluation Execution Plan\n\n• HC Evaluation Data Collection Execution\n\n• HC Evaluation Data Analysis\n\n• HC Evaluation Findings Report\n\n• HC Evaluation Final Recommendations \n\n• HC Evaluation Recommendation Implementation Plan\n\n• HC Evaluation Agency HC Improvement Plan\n\n• HC Evaluation/Audit Closure Documents"}] }