{ "hcm-A4-1": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A4-1.010", "Activity":"Employee Performance Management System Development", "Description":"Establishing a framework of policies and parameters by an agency for the administration of performance appraisal programs as defined at 5 U.S.C. 4302 and 5 CFR 430.204.  The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency specific guidelines and policies that govern employee performance management activities in compliance with U.S.C. 4302 and 5 CFR 430.204"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-1.020", "Activity":"Employee Performance Management Program Development", "Description":"Creating results-oriented, performance-based Performance Management Program(s) to ensure accountability, fairness, and alignment with the mission and goals of the agency. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• EPM program(s) objectives\n\n• procedures, methods, and requirements for planning, monitoring, and rating employee performance that are:\n - developed in accordance with the agency's approved performance appraisal system(s)\n - aligned with the agency's overall employee performance strategy and objectives \n\n• administrative and logistical support for EPM programs "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-1.030", "Activity":"Employee Performance Management Program Evaluation", "Description":"Conducting evaluations to help agencies ensure that their Performance Management Programs are compliant with policy. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• evaluation methodology to assess Performance Management Program's: \n - policy compliance \n - extent to which the program is meeting agency performance management objectives \n and goals \n\n• program policy compliance evaluation \n\n• evaluation of extent to which the program is meeting agency performance management objectives and goals\n\n• verify remediation of non-compliance"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-1.040", "Activity":"Employee Performance Management Cycle Administration", "Description":"Developing, communicating, monitoring, appraising, and rewarding individual employee performance in accordance with policy. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• employee work and performance expectations \n\n• monitor and rate employee performance \n\n• communicate employee performance ratings\n\n• initiate employee reward and/or remediation based on employee performance rating\n\n• manage and facilitate all logistical aspects (e.g. workflow management, furnishing of documents, tracking of process progress) associated with the performance management process\n"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-1.050", "Activity":"Employee Performance Management Data Capture, Transfer, and Reporting", "Description":"Maintaining employee performance management records in accordance with policy. Provides the ability to extract reports on captured data. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• method to capture and store employee performance records\n\n• transfer of employee performance data in accordance with policy\n\n• method for generating standard and ad hoc employee performance reports\n\n• ability to view and edit employee performance records to ensure records are accurate and current"}], "hcm-A4-2": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A4-2.010", "Activity":"Recognition Programs Development", "Description":"Creating awards programs. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• objectives for the employee rewards program\n\n• procedures, methods, and requirements to provide rewards to employees\n\n• administrative and logistical support for processing employee rewards "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-2.020", "Activity":"Recognition Programs Administration", "Description":"Implementing and maintaining awards programs in accordance with policy. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• process and complete awards initiated by agency managers and employees\n\n• award certificates and other formal recognition\n\n• integration with payroll processes\n\n• administrative and logistical support for agency award ceremonies "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-2.030", "Activity":"Recognition Programs Evaluation", "Description":"Conducting evaluations to help agencies ensure that their awards programs are compliant with policy. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• evaluation methodology to assess Recognition Program's: \n - policy compliance \n - extent to which the program is meeting agency performance recognition objectives and goals\n\n• evaluate extent to which the program is meeting agency performance recognition objectives and goals\n\n• program policy compliance evaluation"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-2.040", "Activity":"Recognition Programs Data Capture, Transfer and Reporting", "Description":"Maintaining awards programs records in accordance with policy. Provides the ability to extract reports on captured data. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• structure and maintain award program records\n\n• updates and modifications to awards program records\n\n• standard and ad-hoc reports relating to award programs records\n\n• track and audit user access of award program records"}], "hcm-A4-3": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A4-3.010", "Activity":"SES and/or SL/ST PA System Review or Adoption", "Description":"Agency reviewing and designing (if necessary based on the review outcomes) an agency-specific PA system for SES and/or SL/ST positions in compliance with applicable statute and regulations (5 U.S.C. 43; 5 CFR part 430, subparts B and C, as applicable, and subpart D), or adopting the Basic SES and/or SL/ST PA system. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n\n• A PA system(s) that seeks to make meaningful distinctions in relative performance.\n\n• A PA system(s) that is compliant with statutory and regulatory requirements for appraisal system approval and certification."}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-3.020", "Activity":"SES and/or SL/ST PA System Implementation and Application", "Description":"Demonstrating the agency's implementation and application of its PA system(s) meets the required OPM/OMB criteria outlined in 5 CFR 430 subpart D, as well as requirements outlined in statute (5 U.S.C. 53, as appropriate), including, but not limited to, 5 U.S.C. 43, 5 U.S.C. 45; and regulations, including, but not limited to, 5 CFR 430 subpart B or C (as appropriate), subpart D, 5 CFR 534 subparts D and E (as appropriate), and 5 CFR 451. The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n\n• A PA system(s) that when applied or implemented demonstrates meaningful distinctions in relative performance.\n\n• A PA system(s) that properly communicates senior employees expectations to provide the foundation for making meaningful distinctions in relative performance.\n\n• Performance ratings that are aligned with and based on individual and organizational performance.\n\n• Pay adjustments and awards, combined or separately, that reflect meaningful distinctions in performance in that those who receive the highest ratings (or ratings of record) receive the highest pay adjustments and/or performance awards.\n\n• A PA system(s) that results in pay adjustments and awards in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.\n\n• A PA system that demonstrates compliance with certification criteria found in 5 CFR 430 subpart D."}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A4-3.030", "Activity":"SES and/or SL/ST PA System Certification Process Management", "Description":"Managing the procedures and processes for seeking and/or maintaining OPM/OMB SES and/or SL/ST PA System Certification (if desired). The service outcome(s) will include, but not be limited to:\n\n• Completed and submitted Certification Request.\n\n• Completed and submitted SES and/or SL/ST Pay Policy.\n\n• Submission of Annual Ratings, Pay and Awards Data for SES and/or SL/ST for the two most recently completed appraisal cycles.\n\n• OPM/OMB Agency Certification for SES and/or SL/ST PA System, if warranted.\n\nAgency-Designed PA System (Performance Appraisal Assessment Tool; PAAT) only:\n\n• Completed and submitted PAAT for SES and/or SL/ST.\n\n• Submission of representative samples of SES and/or SL/ST Performance Plans.\n\n• Submission of evidence of appraisal system training for senior employees. \n\n• Submission of evidence of the communication of system application results (i.e., average rating, average pay adjustment by rating, and average award by rating).\n\n• Submission of evidence of the communication of organizational performance results and guidelines for using those results when assigning individual ratings.\n\nBasic SES and SL/ST (Certification 2.0) only:\n\n• Completed and submitted Oversight Verification Statement.\n\n• Completed and submitted Ratings Distribution Justification Template(s) for the two most recently completed appraisal cycles.\n\n• Completed and submitted Organizational Assessment and Guidelines document."}] , "hcm-A5-1": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.010 ", "Activity":"Compensation Strategy Development", "Description":"Setting the overarching goals and priorities at the organizational level. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n \n• agency-specific compensation strategy to include, but not limited to:\n \n• analysis and overview of the environment / climate \n impacting agency compensation management initiatives\n \n• compensation program objectives \n \n• documented plan for communicating strategic compensation \n management priorities\n \n• documented plan for evaluating, enforcing, and reporting progress \n against compensation management strategic objectives"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.020", "Activity":"Compensation Policy and Procedure Management ", "Description":"Designing, developing, implementing, and managing compensation policies, programs, and procedures to meet agency strategies. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency-specific pay systems, if applicable \n\n• policies, programs, and procedures to support implementation of agency compensation strategy "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.030", "Activity":"Agency Compensation Administration ", "Description":"Setting and calculating employee compensation properly in accordance with agency compensation strategy, policies, programs, and procedures. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• compensation is set accurately \n\n• audit of employee compensation and supporting documentation to determine accuracy and compliance\n\n• agency review to ensure automatic pay processing systems are aligned with agency compensation strategy, policies, programs, and procedures\n\n• advisory services to stakeholders on pay setting and compensation flexibilities "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.040", "Activity":"Compensation Research and Advisement ", "Description":"Researching and interpreting compensation laws and regulations in order to provide strategic advisory services to agency leadership and managers. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• accurate advice and guidance "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.050", "Activity":"Payroll Processing", "Description":"Define and maintain the processes, business rules, and calculations necessary to accurately and efficiently execute payroll for employees paid by the Federal Government. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Processes and workflows for integrating with HR and Time and Attendance systems and other resources necessary to calculate and execute payroll (e.g., third party Interfaces, benefits systems, relocation systems, etc.) \n\n• Leave and earning statements for every employee (which may include payments for relocation, bonuses, and other situational payments).\n\n• Calculated results for amounts payable to appropriate payees (e.g. employees, beneficiaries, taxing authorities, etc.)\n\n• Furnish appropriate compensation documents (e.g., W-2s, 1099s, etc.) to employees and other stakeholders (e.g., IRS, OPM, TSP, Treasury)\n\n• Leave accrual and balance maintenance\n\n• Integrated payroll workflow management capability "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.060", "Activity":"Payroll Data Capture, Transfer, and Reporting", "Description":"Capture, analyze, and report compensation data. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Standard payroll and compensation program reports\n\n• Error reporting \n\n• Ad-hoc reporting\n\n• Data transfers between agencies, certified providers, and vendors"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.070", "Activity":"Payroll System Administration", "Description":"Provide and maintain administrative and logistical activities related to payroll systems and records management. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Audit trails \n\n• Updated and maintained employee record \n\n• Historical payroll information for all employees\n\n• Continuity of operations plan"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-1.080", "Activity":"Payroll System Change Management", "Description":"Provide and maintain change management activities related to payroll systems. Outcomes include, but are not limited to:\n\n• Formalized process for tracing and documenting the translation of federal policy to functional, and then to technical requirements "}], "hcm-A5-2": [{"Identifier":"HCM-A5-2.010", "Activity":"Work Schedule and Leave Policy Development and Management", "Description":"Establishing, maintaining, and enforcing agency work schedule and leave policy. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency WSLM needs assessment \n\n• objectives for the management and oversight of agency WSLM\n\n• agency WSLM policy, in accordance with all applicable federal rules and regulations \n\n• agency WSLM policy assessment and review as needed"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.020", "Activity":"Develop Work Schedule and Leave Management Standard Operating Procedures", "Description":"Designing, maintaining, and updating prescribed methods to be followed routinely for the capture and administration of Time and Attendance and Leave Management. SOPs must be approved by designated agency officials. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• documented, agency approved procedures detailing how employee timecard and leave management activities will be performed\n\n• communicate agency-approved Time and Attendance and Leave Management procedures to employees\n\n• updated agency-approved Time and Attendance and Leave Management procedures based on changing policy or other factors"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.030", "Activity":"Work Schedule Development and Management", "Description":"Providing and maintaining employee's work schedule so that it corresponds with the employee's actual work requirements to accomplish the mission of the agency. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• developed and approved employee work schedules\n\n• employee work schedule edits or changes "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.040", "Activity":"Time Card Management", "Description":"Recording, validating, certifying, and amending/correcting Time & Attendance. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• method and process for employee/timekeeper to record employee time worked\n\n• method and process for timekeeper/supervisor/employee to validate employee Time and Attendance \n\n• method and process for certifying official to approve finalized employee time cards\n\n• method and process for employees and approved personnel to amend/correct time cards\n\n• method and process for employees to request and record leave and premium pay, and for approving official to review request and take appropriate action"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.050", "Activity":"T&A Transmittal", "Description":"Creating batch process for transmittal of Time & Attendance data to Payroll Provider. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• T&A batch processing \n\n• T&A data transmittal to Payroll Provider\n\n• track and manage the T&A transmittal process to Payroll Provider\n\n• coordination with Payroll Provider to remediate transmittal and Time &Attendance issues"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-2.060", "Activity":"T&A Reporting", "Description":"Extracting reports on the captured Time & Attendance data. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• captured, stored, exportable time and attendance data\n\n• standard and ad hoc employee time and attendance reports "}], "hcm-A5-3": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A5-3.010", "Activity":"Benefits Policy and Procedure Management", "Description":"Interpreting and advising on Federal and Agency benefit policies and designing agency benefits strategy, policies, and procedures. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency-specific benefits strategy as needed \n\n• agency-specific benefits policies and procedures as needed \n\n• accurate advice and guidance "}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-3.020", "Activity":"Agency-level Benefits Administration ", "Description":"Managing eligibility and enrollment for benefits programs. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• accurate determination of enrollment eligibility\n\n• accurate benefits processing\n\n• customer service (e.g., error remediation, system support, processing issues)\n\n• Audit of employee benefit documentation to determine accuracy and compliance\n\n• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as needed\n\n• facilitate and manage the development of agency-specific benefit tools, as needed \n\n• coordination with stakeholders to support the administration of benefits programs\n\n• Benefits reports, as needed"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-3.030", "Activity":"Benefits Counseling and Communication", "Description":"Implementing benefits communication strategy to educate and counsel employees. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• benefits programs communication and education plan\n\n• marketing materials\n\n• benefits education seminars and briefings, etc. \n\n• benefits counseling \n\n• promote awareness of established benefits tools "}], "hcm-A5-4": [{"Identifier":"HCM.A5-4.010 ", "Activity":"Work-life Strategy, Program, and Policy Development ", "Description":"Developing Agency Work-Life strategies, programs, and, policies. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• agency work-life strategy, which may include, but not limited to:\n \n• analysis and overview of the environment / climate impacting agency work-life initiatives\n \n• work-life program objectives \n \n• documented plan for communicating strategic work-life priorities to stakeholders\n \n• documented plan for evaluating, enforcing, and reporting progress \n against work-life strategic objectives \n\n• agency Work-life Programs policies, as needed"}, {"Identifier":"HCM.A5-4.020", "Activity":"Work-life Programs Administration", "Description":"Administering Work-life Programs. The service outcome(s) will include, but not limited to:\n\n• Work-life Programs marketing materials and communication plan\n\n• employee guidance on participation and access to Work-life Programs\n\n• determination of enrollment eligibility as required\n\n• Work-life Programs processing and customer service \n\n• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as needed\n\n• Implementation of plan for evaluating, enforcing, and reporting progress against work-life strategic objectives "}] }